"description":"ESLint rule\n\n0 - turns the rule off\n1 - turn the rule on as a warning (doesn't affect exit code)\n2 - turn the rule on as an error (exit code is 1 when triggered)\n",
"description":"ESLint rule\n\n\"off\" - turns the rule off\n\"warn\" - turn the rule on as a warning (doesn't affect exit code)\n\"error\" - turn the rule on as an error (exit code is 1 when triggered)\n",
"comma-dangle":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Require or disallow trailing commas"},
"for-direction":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Enforce “for” loop update clause moving the counter in the right direction"},
"getter-return":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Enforce return statements in getters"},
"no-await-in-loop":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Disallow await inside of loops"},
"no-compare-neg-zero":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Disallow comparing against -0"},
"no-cond-assign":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Disallow assignment operators in conditional expressions"},
"no-console":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Disallow the use of console"},
"no-constant-condition":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Disallow constant expressions in conditions"},
"no-control-regex":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Disallow control characters in regular expressions"},
"no-debugger":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Disallow the use of debugger"},
"no-dupe-args":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Disallow duplicate arguments in function definitions"},
"no-dupe-keys":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Disallow duplicate keys in object literals"},
"no-duplicate-case":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Disallow duplicate case labels"},
"consistent-this":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Enforce consistent naming when capturing the current execution context"},
"eol-last":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Enforce at least one newline at the end of files"},
"func-call-spacing":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Require or disallow spacing between function identifiers and their invocations"},
"func-name-matching":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Require function names to match the name of the variable or property to which they are assigned"},
"func-names":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Require or disallow named function expressions"},
"func-style":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Enforce the consistent use of either function declarations or expressions"},
"function-call-argument-newline":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Enforce line breaks between arguments of a function call"},
"function-paren-newline":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Enforce consistent line breaks inside function parentheses"},
"no-useless-rename":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Disallow renaming import, export, and destructured assignments to the same name"},
"no-var":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Require let or const instead of var"},
"object-shorthand":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Require or disallow method and property shorthand syntax for object literals"},
"prefer-arrow-callback":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Require arrow functions as callbacks"},
"prefer-const":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Require const declarations for variables that are never reassigned after declared"},
"prefer-destructuring":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Require destructuring from arrays and/or objects"},
"prefer-numeric-literals":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Disallow parseInt() in favor of binary, octal, and hexadecimal literals"},
"prefer-reflect":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Require Reflect methods where applicable"},
"prefer-rest-params":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Require rest parameters instead of arguments"},
"prefer-spread":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Require spread operators instead of .apply()"},
"prefer-template":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Require template literals instead of string concatenation"},
"require-yield":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Require generator functions to contain yield"},
"rest-spread-spacing":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Enforce spacing between rest and spread operators and their expressions"},
"sort-imports":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Enforce sorted import declarations within modules"},
"symbol-description":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Require symbol descriptions"},
"template-curly-spacing":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Require or disallow spacing around embedded expressions of template strings"},
"yield-star-spacing":{"$ref":"#/definitions/rule","description":"Require or disallow spacing around the * in yield* expressions"}
"description":"By default, ESLint supports only ECMAScript 5 syntax. You can override that setting to enable support for ECMAScript 6 as well as JSX by using configuration settings.",
"description":"Enables support for the experimental object rest/spread properties (IMPORTANT: This is an experimental feature that may change significantly in the future. It’s recommended that you do not write rules relying on this functionality unless you are willing to incur maintenance cost when it changes.)"},
"globalReturn":{"type":"boolean","description":"allow return statements in the global scope"},
"impliedStrict":{"type":"boolean","description":"enable global strict mode (if ecmaVersion is 5 or greater)"},
"description":"An environment defines global variables that are predefined.",
"description":"defines require() and define() as global variables as per the amd spec"
"description":"AppleScript global variables"
"description":"Atom test helper globals"
"description":"browser global variables"
"description":"CommonJS global variables and CommonJS scoping (use this for browser-only code that uses Browserify/WebPack)"
"description":"Globals common to both Node and Browser"
"description":"Ember test helper globals"
"description":"enable all ECMAScript 6 features except for modules"
"description":"GreaseMonkey globals"
"description":"adds all of the Jasmine testing global variables for version 1.3 and 2.0"
"description":"Jest global variables"
"description":"jQuery global variables"
"description":"Meteor global variables"
"description":"adds all of the Mocha test global variables"
"description":"MongoDB global variables"
"description":"Java 8 Nashorn global variables"
"description":"Node.js global variables and Node.js scoping"
"description":"PhantomJS global variables"
"description":"Prototype.js global variables"
"description":"Protractor global variables"
"description":"QUnit global variables"
"description":"Service Worker global variables"
"description":"ShellJS global variables"
"description":"WebExtensions globals"
"description":"web workers global variables"
"description":"If you want to extend a specific configuration file, you can use the extends property and specify the path to the file. The path can be either relative or absolute.",
"description":"Set each global variable name equal to true to allow the variable to be overwritten or false to disallow overwriting.",
"description":"The values false|\"readable\" and true|\"writeable\" are deprecated, they are equivalent to \"readonly\" and \"writable\", respectively.",
"description":"Prevent comments from changing config or rules",
"description":"The JavaScript language options to be supported",
"description":"Set to 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 (default), 12, 13 or \"latest\" to specify the version of ECMAScript syntax you want to use. You can also set to 2015 (same as 6), 2016 (same as 7), 2017 (same as 8), 2018 (same as 9), 2019 (same as 10), 2020 (same as 11) or 2021 (same as 12) or 2022 (same as 13) to use the year-based naming. \"latest\" always enables the latest supported ECMAScript version."
"description":"set to \"script\" (default) or \"module\" if your code is in ECMAScript modules"
"description":"ESLint supports the use of third-party plugins. Before using the plugin, you have to install it using npm.",
"description":"By default, ESLint will look for configuration files in all parent folders up to the root directory. This can be useful if you want all of your projects to follow a certain convention, but can sometimes lead to unexpected results. To limit ESLint to a specific project, set this to `true` in a configuration in the root of your project.",
"description":"Tell ESLint to ignore specific files and directories. Each value uses the same pattern as the `.eslintignore` file.",
"description":"ESLint comes with a large number of rules. You can modify which rules your project uses either using configuration comments or configuration files.",
"description":"ESLint supports adding shared settings into configuration file. You can add settings object to ESLint configuration file and it will be supplied to every rule that will be executed. This may be useful if you are adding custom rules and want them to have access to the same information and be easily configurable.",
"description":"Allows to override configuration for files and folders, specified by glob patterns",
"description":"Glob pattern for files to apply 'overrides' configuration, relative to the directory of the config file",
"description":"If you want to extend a specific configuration file, you can use the extends property and specify the path to the file. The path can be either relative or absolute.",
"description":"If a file matches any of the 'excludedFiles' glob patterns, the 'overrides' configuration won’t apply",
"description":"To specify a processor, specify the plugin name and processor name joined by a forward slash",