import { _decorator, Component, Node, Label, EditBox, Size, math } from 'cc'; import { SuperLayout } from '../core/super-layout'; const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; @ccclass('BaseItem') export class BaseItem extends Component { @property(Label) label!: Label @property(EditBox) input!: EditBox layout: SuperLayout = null! private index!: number private clickFunc!: Function get transform() { return this.node._uiProps.uiTransformComp } show(data: any, index: number, callback: Function, layout: SuperLayout) { this.index = index this.label.string = data.message this.clickFunc = callback this.layout = layout } onClick() { this.clickFunc?.call(this, this.index) } onInput() { } } /** * [1] Class member could be defined like this. * [2] Use `property` decorator if your want the member to be serializable. * [3] Your initialization goes here. * [4] Your update function goes here. * * Learn more about scripting: * Learn more about CCClass: * Learn more about life-cycle callbacks: */