declare namespace cc { export interface Node { /** * 設定世界座標 * @param worldPoint */ SetWorldPosition(worldPoint: cc.Vec2 | cc.Vec3): void; /** * 取得世界座標 */ GetWorldPosition(): cc.Vec2; /** * 取得目標在自己區域的相對座標 * @param target */ GetTargetInMyLocalPosition(target: cc.Node): cc.Vec2; /** * 取得目標距離 * @param target */ GetTargetDistance(target: cc.Node): number; /** * 設定長寬 * @param size */ SetSizeDelta(size: cc.Vec2); /** * 取得長寬 */ GetSizeDelta(): cc.Vec2; /** * 增加一個子物件 * @param childObj */ ExAddChild(childObj: cc.Prefab | cc.Node, childActive?: boolean): cc.Node; /**設定層級為最低層 */ ExSetLowestOrder(): void; /**設定層級為最高層 */ ExSetHighestOrder(): void; /**設定層級,比目標OBJ再低一層 */ ExSetOrderUnderTheObj(obj: cc.Node, isNew?: boolean): number; /**設定層級,比目標OBJ再高一層 */ ExSetOrderOverTheObj(obj: cc.Node, isNew?: boolean): number; /**位置維持在原位 */ ExSetParent(parentObj: cc.Node): void; ExSetGray(showGray: boolean): void; /** 通過觀察目標來設置 rotation */ ExLookAt(targetPos: cc.Vec3): void; /** * !#zh * 当前节点的自身激活状态。<br/> * 值得注意的是,一个节点的父节点如果不被激活,那么即使它自身设为激活,它仍然无法激活。<br/> * 如果你想检查节点在场景中实际的激活状态可以使用 {{#crossLink "Node/activeInHierarchy:property"}}{{/crossLink}}。 * @param value 当前节点的自身激活状态 */ SetActive(value: boolean): void; } // export interface ActionInterval { // step(dt: number): void; // } export interface Tween { /** * 獲取持續時間 * @example let duration = tween.duration(); */ duration(): number; /** * 獲取已經進行的時間 * @example let elapsed = tween.elapsed(); */ elapsed(): number; /** * 跳轉到指定時間 * @param time 時間(秒) * @example tween.goto(2); */ goto(time: number): void; } } cc.Node.prototype.SetWorldPosition || Object.defineProperty(cc.Node.prototype, 'SetWorldPosition', { enumerable: false, value: function (cocosWorldPos: cc.Vec2 | cc.Vec3) { // let cocosWorldPos = new cc.Vec2(unityWorldPos.x + 711, unityWorldPos.y + 400); this.setPosition(this.parent.convertToNodeSpaceAR(cocosWorldPos)); } }) cc.Node.prototype.GetWorldPosition || Object.defineProperty(cc.Node.prototype, 'GetWorldPosition', { enumerable: false, value: function () { let cocosWorldPos = this.parent.convertToWorldSpaceAR(this.position); // let unityWorldPos = new cc.Vec2(cocosWorldPos.x - 711, cocosWorldPos.y - 400); return cocosWorldPos; } }) cc.Node.prototype.GetTargetInMyLocalPosition || Object.defineProperty(cc.Node.prototype, 'GetTargetInMyLocalPosition', { enumerable: false, value: function (target: cc.Node): cc.Vec2 { let selfPos: cc.Vec2 = this.GetWorldPosition(); let targetPos: cc.Vec2 = target.GetWorldPosition(); let diff: cc.Vec2 = targetPos.sub(selfPos); let newPos: cc.Vec2 = this.getPosition().add(diff); return newPos; } }); cc.Node.prototype.GetTargetDistance || Object.defineProperty(cc.Node.prototype, 'GetTargetDistance', { enumerable: false, value: function (target: cc.Node): number { let vector: cc.Vec2 = target.GetWorldPosition().sub(this.GetWorldPosition()); let distance: number = vector.mag(); return distance; } }); cc.Node.prototype.SetSizeDelta || Object.defineProperty(cc.Node.prototype, 'SetSizeDelta', { enumerable: false, value: function (size: cc.Vec2) { this.setContentSize(size.x, size.y); } }) cc.Node.prototype.GetSizeDelta || Object.defineProperty(cc.Node.prototype, 'GetSizeDelta', { enumerable: false, value: function () { let size: cc.Size = this.GetSizeDelta(); return new cc.Vec2(size.width, size.width); } }) cc.Node.prototype.ExAddChild || Object.defineProperty(cc.Node.prototype, 'ExAddChild', { enumerable: false, value: function (childObj: cc.Prefab | cc.Node, childActive: boolean = true) { let gameObj = null; if (childObj instanceof cc.Prefab) { gameObj = cc.instantiate(childObj); } else { gameObj = cc.instantiate(childObj); } = childActive ? true : childActive; gameObj.parent = this; return gameObj; } }) cc.Node.prototype.ExSetLowestOrder || Object.defineProperty(cc.Node.prototype, 'ExSetLowestOrder', { enumerable: false, value: function () { this.setSiblingIndex(0); } }) cc.Node.prototype.ExSetHighestOrder || Object.defineProperty(cc.Node.prototype, 'ExSetHighestOrder', { enumerable: false, value: function () { this.setSiblingIndex(Number.MAX_VALUE); } }) cc.Node.prototype.ExSetOrderUnderTheObj || Object.defineProperty(cc.Node.prototype, 'ExSetOrderUnderTheObj', { enumerable: false, value: function (obj: cc.Node, isNew?: boolean) { let newIndex: number; let objIndex = obj.getSiblingIndex(); // 如果是新創的元件 if (isNew) { newIndex = objIndex; } // 如果是已經在場景上的元件 else { let myIndex = this.getSiblingIndex(); // 如果一開始就在它下面 if (myIndex < objIndex) { newIndex = objIndex - 1; } else { newIndex = objIndex; } } this.setSiblingIndex(newIndex); return newIndex; } }) cc.Node.prototype.ExSetOrderOverTheObj || Object.defineProperty(cc.Node.prototype, 'ExSetOrderOverTheObj', { enumerable: false, value: function (obj: cc.Node, isNew?: boolean) { let newIndex: number; let objIndex = obj.getSiblingIndex(); // 如果是新創的元件 if (isNew) { newIndex = objIndex + 1; } // 如果是已經在場景上的元件 else { let myIndex = this.getSiblingIndex(); // 如果一開始就在它下面 if (myIndex < objIndex) { newIndex = objIndex; } else { newIndex = objIndex + 1; } } this.setSiblingIndex(newIndex); return newIndex; } }) cc.Node.prototype.ExSetParent || Object.defineProperty(cc.Node.prototype, 'ExSetParent', { enumerable: false, value: function (parentObj: cc.Node) { let oriPos = this.GetWorldPosition(); this.setParent(parentObj); this.SetWorldPosition(oriPos); } }) cc.Node.prototype.ExSetGray || Object.defineProperty(cc.Node.prototype, 'ExSetGray', { enumerable: false, value: function (showGray: boolean): void { let btn: cc.Button = this.getComponent(cc.Button); if (btn) { btn.interactable = !showGray; } let material: cc.Material = cc.Material.createWithBuiltin(showGray ? cc.Material.BUILTIN_NAME.GRAY_SPRITE.toString() : cc.Material.BUILTIN_NAME.SPRITE.toString(), 0); !showGray && material.define("USE_TEXTURE", true, 0); let spriteComs: any[] = this.getComponentsInChildren(cc.Sprite).concat(this.getComponentsInChildren(cc.Label)); for (let sprite of spriteComs) { sprite.setMaterial(0, material); } // 先使用createWithBuiltin,如果材質球一直Create沒被刪除,會在修改。 // let material: cc.Material = cc.Material.getBuiltinMaterial(showGray ? cc.Material.BUILTIN_NAME.GRAY_SPRITE.toString() : cc.Material.BUILTIN_NAME.SPRITE.toString()); // for (let sprite of spriteComs) { // if (showGray) { // sprite.setMaterial(0, cc.Material.getBuiltinMaterial('2d-gray-sprite')); // } // else { // sprite.setMaterial(0, cc.Material.getBuiltinMaterial('2d-sprite')); // } // } }, }); cc.Node.prototype.ExLookAt || Object.defineProperty(cc.Node.prototype, "ExLookAt", { enumerable: false, value: function (targetPos: cc.Vec3): void { let TargetX: number = targetPos.x; let TargetY: number = targetPos.y; let SelfX: number = this.x; let SelfY: number = this.y; let r1: number = Math.atan2(TargetX - SelfX, TargetY - SelfY); let angle: number = (180 * r1 / Math.PI); this.angle = -angle; }, }); cc.Node.prototype.SetActive || Object.defineProperty(cc.Node.prototype, "SetActive", { enumerable: false, value: function (value: boolean): void { = value; }, }); // cc.Node.prototype.SetWorldPosition = function (cocosWorldPos: cc.Vec2): void { // // let cocosWorldPos = new cc.Vec2(unityWorldPos.x + 711, unityWorldPos.y + 400); // this.setPosition(this.parent.convertToNodeSpaceAR(cocosWorldPos)); // } // cc.Node.prototype.GetWorldPosition = function (): cc.Vec2 { // let cocosWorldPos = this.parent.convertToWorldSpaceAR(this.position); // // let unityWorldPos = new cc.Vec2(cocosWorldPos.x - 711, cocosWorldPos.y - 400); // return cocosWorldPos; // } // cc.Node.prototype.SetSizeDelta = function (size: cc.Vec2) { // this.setContentSize(size.x, size.y); // } // cc.Node.prototype.GetSizeDelta = function (): cc.Vec2 { // let size: cc.Size = this.GetSizeDelta(); // return new cc.Vec2(size.width, size.width); // } // cc.Node.prototype.ExAddChild = function (childObj: cc.Prefab | cc.Node): cc.Node { // let gameObj = null; // if (childObj instanceof cc.Prefab) { // gameObj = cc.instantiate(childObj); // } // else { // gameObj = cc.instantiate(childObj); // } // gameObj.parent = this; // return gameObj; // } // cc.Node.prototype.ExSetLowestOrder = function (): void { // this.setSiblingIndex(0); // } // cc.Node.prototype.ExSetHighestOrder = function (): void { // this.setSiblingIndex(Number.MAX_VALUE); // } // cc.ActionInterval.prototype.step || Object.defineProperty(cc.ActionInterval.prototype, "step", { // enumerable: false, // value: function (dt: number): void { // if (this.paused) { // return; // } // if (this._firstTick && !this._goto) { // this._firstTick = false; // this._elapsed = 0; // } else { // this._elapsed += dt; // } // let t: number = this._elapsed / (this._duration > 0.0000001192092896 ? this._duration : 0.0000001192092896); // t = (1 > t ? t : 1); // this.update(t > 0 ? t : 0); // // Compatible with repeat class, Discard after can be deleted (this._repeatMethod) // if (this._repeatMethod && this._timesForRepeat > 1 && this.isDone()) { // if (!this._repeatForever) { // this._timesForRepeat--; // } // this.startWithTarget(; // this.step(this._elapsed - this._duration); // } // } // }); // /** // * 暂停 // * @example tween.pause(); // */ // cc.Tween.prototype.pause = function () { // this._finalAction.paused = true; // }; // /** // * 恢复 // * @example tween.resume(); // */ // cc.Tween.prototype.resume = function () { // this._finalAction.paused = false; // }; // /** // * 倍速播放 // * @param speed 倍速 // * @example tween.speed(2); // */ // cc.Tween.prototype.speed = function (speed) { // this._finalAction._speedMethod = true; // this._finalAction._speed = speed; // } cc.Tween.prototype.duration || Object.defineProperty(cc.Tween.prototype, "duration", { enumerable: false, value: function (): number { // let duration: number = this._finalAction._duration; let duration: number = 0; for (let i: number = 0; i < this["_actions"].length - 1; i++) { const action: any = this["_actions"][i]; duration += action._duration; } // duration += (( / 3) /; duration *= 1.3; return duration; } }); cc.Tween.prototype.elapsed || Object.defineProperty(cc.Tween.prototype, "elapsed", { enumerable: false, value: function (): number { return this._finalAction._elapsed; } }); cc.Tween.prototype.goto || Object.defineProperty(cc.Tween.prototype, "goto", { enumerable: false, /** * @param time 時間(秒) */ value: function (time: number): void { this._finalAction._goto = true; this._finalAction._elapsed = time; } }); // cc.ActionManager.prototype.pauseByTag = function (tag, pause) { // if (tag === cc.Action.TAG_INVALID) { // cc.logID(1002); // } // let hashTargets = this._hashTargets; // for (let name in hashTargets) { // let element = hashTargets[name]; // for (let i = 0, l = element.actions.length; i < l; ++i) { // let action = element.actions[i]; // if (action && action.getTag() === tag) { // action.paused = pause; // break; // } // } // } // } // /** // * 根据标签暂停动作 // * @param tag tween的标签 // * @example cc.Tween.pauseByTag(100); // */ // cc.Tween.pauseByTag = function (tag) { // cc.director.getActionManager().pauseByTag(tag, true); // } // /** // * 根据标签恢复动作 // * @param tag tween的标签 // * @example cc.Tween.resumeByTag(100); // */ // cc.Tween.resumeByTag = function (tag) { // cc.director.getActionManager().pauseByTag(tag, false); // }