import { CoroutineV2 } from "../../CatanEngine/CoroutineV2/CoroutineV2"; import { UIManager } from "./UIManager"; /**畫面自適應(換場景手動呼叫) */ export default class ScreenResize { private static _instance: ScreenResize = null; public static get Instance(): ScreenResize { return this._instance; } /**直橫式的製作尺寸 */ public static readonly CanvasSize: cc.Vec2[] = [cc.v2(1422, 800), cc.v2(800, 1422)]; /**是否直式機台 */ public static IsPortrait: number = 0; /**固定橫直判斷(null=通用.0=固定橫.1=固定直) */ public static PL: number = null; constructor() { cc.log("creat ScreenResize"); ScreenResize._instance = this; ScreenResize._instance.CallManual(); } public AddEven(): void { ScreenResize._instance.AddResizeEvent(); } /**手動呼叫 */ public CallManual(): void { ScreenResize.Instance.GameResize("inGameResize"); } public AddResizeEvent() { this.GameResize("inGameResize"); window.onresize = () => { this.GameResize("window.onresize"); }; cc.view.setResizeCallback(() => { this.GameResize("cc.view.setResizeCallback"); }); } public GameResize(resizeType: string) { if (ScreenResize.PL == null) { //自適應 ScreenResize.IsPortrait = this._isPortraitMode(); } else { //固定直橫 ScreenResize.IsPortrait = ScreenResize.PL; } cc.log("resizeType:" + resizeType); cc.log("ScreenResize.IsPortrait:" + ScreenResize.IsPortrait); if (cc.sys.isBrowser) { //網頁版的修正顯示範圍判斷 this._browserAutoScreenSetting(resizeType); } else { this._appAutoScreenSetting(); } this._alignWithScreen(); CoroutineV2.Single(this._delayChangeDir()).Start(); this._alignWithGameUI(); } private _browserAutoScreenSetting(resizeType: string) { let frameSize = cc.view.getFrameSize(); if (ScreenResize.IsPortrait) { cc.view.setOrientation(cc.macro.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT); if (resizeType === "inGameResize") { //只需要進遊戲設定一次,避免第一次進入場景時萬一跟設計分辨率不同會導致世界座標跑掉(cocos engine底層沒處理好) if (frameSize.width > frameSize.height) { cc.view.setFrameSize(frameSize.height, frameSize.width) } else { cc.view.setFrameSize(frameSize.width, frameSize.height) } } } else { cc.view.setOrientation(cc.macro.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE); if (resizeType === "inGameResize") { //只需要進遊戲設定一次,避免第一次進入場景時萬一跟設計分辨率不同會導致世界座標跑掉(cocos engine底層沒處理好) if (frameSize.height > frameSize.width) { cc.view.setFrameSize(frameSize.height, frameSize.width) } else { cc.view.setFrameSize(frameSize.width, frameSize.height) } } } cc.view.setDesignResolutionSize(ScreenResize.CanvasSize[ScreenResize.IsPortrait].x, ScreenResize.CanvasSize[ScreenResize.IsPortrait].y, new cc.ResolutionPolicy(cc.ContainerStrategy["PROPORTION_TO_FRAME"], cc.ContentStrategy["NO_BORDER"])); if (document.getElementById("GameCanvas")["width"] % 2 != 0) { document.getElementById("GameCanvas")["width"] -= 1; } if (document.getElementById("GameCanvas")["height"] % 2 != 0) { document.getElementById("GameCanvas")["height"] -= 1; } = "100%"; = "100%"; } private _appAutoScreenSetting() { cc.view.setDesignResolutionSize(ScreenResize.CanvasSize[ScreenResize.IsPortrait].x, ScreenResize.CanvasSize[ScreenResize.IsPortrait].y, cc.ResolutionPolicy.SHOW_ALL); } /**舊版COCOS引擎內的座標對齊 */ private _alignWithScreen(): void { var designSize, nodeSize; if (CC_EDITOR) { nodeSize = designSize = cc["engine"]["getDesignResolutionSize"](); cc.Canvas.instance.node.setPosition(designSize.width * 0.5, designSize.height * 0.5); } else { var canvasSize = nodeSize = cc.visibleRect; designSize = cc.view.getDesignResolutionSize(); var clipTopRight = !cc.Canvas.instance.fitHeight && !cc.Canvas.instance.fitWidth; var offsetX = 0; var offsetY = 0; if (clipTopRight) { // offset the canvas to make it in the center of screen offsetX = (designSize.width - canvasSize.width) * 0.5; offsetY = (designSize.height - canvasSize.height) * 0.5; } cc.Canvas.instance.node.setPosition(canvasSize.width * 0.5 + offsetX, canvasSize.height * 0.5 + offsetY); } cc.Canvas.instance.node.width = nodeSize.width; cc.Canvas.instance.node.height = nodeSize.height; } private *_delayChangeDir() { yield CoroutineV2.WaitTime(0.2); this._alignWithScreen(); this._alignWithGameUI(); } private _alignWithGameUI() { UIManager.DireEvent.DispatchCallback([]); } private _isPortraitMode(): number { let sw = window.screen.width; let sh = window.screen.height; let _Width = sw < sh ? sw : sh; let _Height = sw >= sh ? sw : sh; if (cc.sys.isBrowser) { //網頁版的顯示範圍判斷 let w = document.documentElement.clientWidth; let h = document.documentElement.clientHeight; let w2 = window.innerWidth; let h2 = window.innerHeight; let containerW = Number.parseInt(document.getElementById("Cocos2dGameContainer").style.width) + Number.parseInt(document.getElementById("Cocos2dGameContainer").style.paddingRight) + Number.parseInt(document.getElementById("Cocos2dGameContainer").style.paddingLeft); let containerH = Number.parseInt(document.getElementById("Cocos2dGameContainer").style.height) + Number.parseInt(document.getElementById("Cocos2dGameContainer").style.paddingTop) + Number.parseInt(document.getElementById("Cocos2dGameContainer").style.paddingBottom); let rotate = Number.parseInt(document.getElementById("Cocos2dGameContainer").style.transform.replace("rotate(", "").replace("deg)", "")); /*cc.log( "w:" + w + ",h:" + h + "\n,w2:" + w2 + ",h2:" + h2 + "\n,sw:" + sw + ",sh:" + sh + "\n,_Width:" + _Width + ",_Height:" + _Height + "\n,frameW:" + cc.view.getFrameSize().width + ",frameH:" + cc.view.getFrameSize().height + "\n,containerW:" + containerW + ",containerH:" + containerH + ",rotate:" + rotate + "\n,canvasW:" + + ",canvasrH:" + );*/ if (w == _Width) { return 1; } else if (w == _Height) { if (!CC_DEV) { return 0; } else { if (containerW >= containerH) { return rotate == 0 ? 0 : 1; } else { return rotate == 0 ? 1 : 0; } } } else if (w == w2) { if (containerW >= containerH) { return rotate == 0 ? 0 : 1; } else { return rotate == 0 ? 1 : 0; } } else { if (containerW >= containerH) { return rotate == 0 ? 0 : 1; } else { return rotate == 0 ? 1 : 0; } } } else { if (sw == _Width) { return 1; } else if (sw == _Height) { return 0; } else { cc.log("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"); return 1; } } } }