const { ccclass, property } = cc._decorator; const TRANSITION_TIME = 2; @ccclass export default class Transition extends cc.Component { @property() time: number = 0; @property(cc.Material) materials = []; private _inited = false; private _texture1: cc.Texture2D; private _texture2: cc.Texture2D; private _sprite: cc.Sprite; private _spriteNode: cc.Node; private _camera: cc.Camera; private _cameraNode: cc.Node; private _spriteMaterial: cc.Material; private _onLoadFinished = () => {}; loading = false; private materialIndex = 0; onLoad() {; } start() { this.init(); cc.director.on(cc.Director.EVENT_AFTER_SCENE_LAUNCH, this._onLoadFinished, this); cc.director.on('switchSceneByTransition', this.switchSceneByTransition.bind(this)); } switchSceneByTransition() { this.materialIndex = this.materialIndex + 1 > this.materials.length ? 0 : this.materialIndex + 1; this.loadScene('Scene/Home/Home', 'Canvas/Main Camera', 'Canvas/Main Camera'); } init() { if (this._inited) return; this._inited = true; this.time = 0; this._texture1 = this.createTexture(); this._texture2 = this.createTexture(); let spriteNode = cc.find('TRANSITION_SPRITE', this.node); if (!spriteNode) { spriteNode = new cc.Node('TRANSITION_SPRITE'); this._sprite = spriteNode.addComponent(cc.Sprite); spriteNode.parent = this.node; } else { this._sprite = spriteNode.getComponent(cc.Sprite); } let spriteFrame = new cc.SpriteFrame(); spriteFrame.setTexture(this._texture1); this._sprite.spriteFrame = spriteFrame; = false; spriteNode.scaleY = -1; this._spriteNode = spriteNode; let cameraNode = cc.find('TRANSITION_CAMERA', this.node); if (!cameraNode) { cameraNode = new cc.Node('TRANSITION_CAMERA'); this._camera = cameraNode.addComponent(cc.Camera); cameraNode.parent = this.node; } else { this._camera = cameraNode.getComponent(cc.Camera); } = false; this._cameraNode = cameraNode; // @ts-ignore this.node.groupIndex = cc.Node.BuiltinGroupIndex.DEBUG - 1; this._camera.cullingMask = 1 << this.node.groupIndex; this.updateSpriteMaterial(); } updateSpriteMaterial() { if (!this._sprite) return; let newMaterial = cc.MaterialVariant.create(this.materials[this.materialIndex], this._sprite); newMaterial.setProperty('texture', this._texture1); newMaterial.setProperty('texture2', this._texture2); newMaterial.setProperty('screenSize', new Float32Array([this._texture2.width, this._texture2.height])); this._sprite.setMaterial(0, newMaterial); this._spriteMaterial = newMaterial; } _onSceneLaunched() { window['camera'] = cc.Camera.cameras; } loadScene(sceneUrl, fromCameraPath, toCameraPath) { this.scheduleOnce(() => { cc.director.preloadScene(sceneUrl, null, () => { this._loadScene( sceneUrl, fromCameraPath, toCameraPath, () => {}, () => {} ); }); }); return true; } createTexture() { let texture = new cc.RenderTexture(); // @ts-ignore texture.initWithSize(cc.visibleRect.width, cc.visibleRect.height, cc.gfx.RB_FMT_D24S8); return texture; } _loadScene(sceneUrl, fromCameraPath, toCameraPath, onSceneLoaded, onTransitionFinished) { this.init(); = true; = true; let fromCameraNode = cc.find(fromCameraPath); let fromCamera = fromCameraNode && (fromCameraNode.getComponent(cc.Camera) as any); if (!fromCamera) { cc.warn(`Can not find fromCamera with path ${fromCameraPath}`); return; } let originTargetTexture1 = fromCamera.targetTexture; fromCamera.cullingMask &= ~this._camera.cullingMask; fromCamera.targetTexture = this._texture1; fromCamera.render(cc.director.getScene()); fromCamera.targetTexture = originTargetTexture1; return cc.director.loadScene(sceneUrl, (arg) => { onSceneLoaded && onSceneLoaded(...arg); let toCameraNode = cc.find(toCameraPath); let toCamera = toCameraNode && (toCameraNode.getComponent(cc.Camera) as any); if (!toCamera) { cc.warn(`Can not find toCamera with path ${toCameraPath}`); return; } toCamera.cullingMask &= ~this._camera.cullingMask; let originTargetTexture2 = toCamera.targetTexture; toCamera.targetTexture = this._texture2; toCamera.render(cc.director.getScene()); this._camera.depth = toCamera.depth; this._camera.clearFlags = toCamera.clearFlags; this._onLoadFinished = () => { toCamera.targetTexture = originTargetTexture2; = false; = false; onTransitionFinished && onTransitionFinished(); }; this.time = 0; this.loading = true; }); } update(dt) { if (this.loading) { this.time += dt; if (this.time >= TRANSITION_TIME) { this.time = TRANSITION_TIME; this.loading = false; this._onLoadFinished && this._onLoadFinished(); this._onLoadFinished = null; } this._spriteMaterial.setProperty('time', this.time / TRANSITION_TIME); } } }