/** * Make a map and return a function for checking if a key * is in that map. * IMPORTANT: all calls of this function must be prefixed with * \/\*#\_\_PURE\_\_\*\/ * So that rollup can tree-shake them if necessary. */ function makeMap(str, expectsLowerCase) { const map = Object.create(null); const list = str.split(','); for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { map[list[i]] = true; } return expectsLowerCase ? val => !!map[val.toLowerCase()] : val => !!map[val]; } /** * dev only flag -> name mapping */ const PatchFlagNames = { [1 /* PatchFlags.TEXT */]: `TEXT`, [2 /* PatchFlags.CLASS */]: `CLASS`, [4 /* PatchFlags.STYLE */]: `STYLE`, [8 /* PatchFlags.PROPS */]: `PROPS`, [16 /* PatchFlags.FULL_PROPS */]: `FULL_PROPS`, [32 /* PatchFlags.HYDRATE_EVENTS */]: `HYDRATE_EVENTS`, [64 /* PatchFlags.STABLE_FRAGMENT */]: `STABLE_FRAGMENT`, [128 /* PatchFlags.KEYED_FRAGMENT */]: `KEYED_FRAGMENT`, [256 /* PatchFlags.UNKEYED_FRAGMENT */]: `UNKEYED_FRAGMENT`, [512 /* PatchFlags.NEED_PATCH */]: `NEED_PATCH`, [1024 /* PatchFlags.DYNAMIC_SLOTS */]: `DYNAMIC_SLOTS`, [2048 /* PatchFlags.DEV_ROOT_FRAGMENT */]: `DEV_ROOT_FRAGMENT`, [-1 /* PatchFlags.HOISTED */]: `HOISTED`, [-2 /* PatchFlags.BAIL */]: `BAIL` }; /** * Dev only */ const slotFlagsText = { [1 /* SlotFlags.STABLE */]: 'STABLE', [2 /* SlotFlags.DYNAMIC */]: 'DYNAMIC', [3 /* SlotFlags.FORWARDED */]: 'FORWARDED' }; const GLOBALS_WHITE_LISTED = 'Infinity,undefined,NaN,isFinite,isNaN,parseFloat,parseInt,decodeURI,' + 'decodeURIComponent,encodeURI,encodeURIComponent,Math,Number,Date,Array,' + 'Object,Boolean,String,RegExp,Map,Set,JSON,Intl,BigInt'; const isGloballyWhitelisted = /*#__PURE__*/ makeMap(GLOBALS_WHITE_LISTED); const range = 2; function generateCodeFrame(source, start = 0, end = source.length) { // Split the content into individual lines but capture the newline sequence // that separated each line. This is important because the actual sequence is // needed to properly take into account the full line length for offset // comparison let lines = source.split(/(\r?\n)/); // Separate the lines and newline sequences into separate arrays for easier referencing const newlineSequences = lines.filter((_, idx) => idx % 2 === 1); lines = lines.filter((_, idx) => idx % 2 === 0); let count = 0; const res = []; for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { count += lines[i].length + ((newlineSequences[i] && newlineSequences[i].length) || 0); if (count >= start) { for (let j = i - range; j <= i + range || end > count; j++) { if (j < 0 || j >= lines.length) continue; const line = j + 1; res.push(`${line}${' '.repeat(Math.max(3 - String(line).length, 0))}| ${lines[j]}`); const lineLength = lines[j].length; const newLineSeqLength = (newlineSequences[j] && newlineSequences[j].length) || 0; if (j === i) { // push underline const pad = start - (count - (lineLength + newLineSeqLength)); const length = Math.max(1, end > count ? lineLength - pad : end - start); res.push(` | ` + ' '.repeat(pad) + '^'.repeat(length)); } else if (j > i) { if (end > count) { const length = Math.max(Math.min(end - count, lineLength), 1); res.push(` | ` + '^'.repeat(length)); } count += lineLength + newLineSeqLength; } } break; } } return res.join('\n'); } function normalizeStyle(value) { if (isArray(value)) { const res = {}; for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { const item = value[i]; const normalized = isString(item) ? parseStringStyle(item) : normalizeStyle(item); if (normalized) { for (const key in normalized) { res[key] = normalized[key]; } } } return res; } else if (isString(value)) { return value; } else if (isObject(value)) { return value; } } const listDelimiterRE = /;(?![^(]*\))/g; const propertyDelimiterRE = /:([^]+)/; const styleCommentRE = /\/\*.*?\*\//gs; function parseStringStyle(cssText) { const ret = {}; cssText .replace(styleCommentRE, '') .split(listDelimiterRE) .forEach(item => { if (item) { const tmp = item.split(propertyDelimiterRE); tmp.length > 1 && (ret[tmp[0].trim()] = tmp[1].trim()); } }); return ret; } function stringifyStyle(styles) { let ret = ''; if (!styles || isString(styles)) { return ret; } for (const key in styles) { const value = styles[key]; const normalizedKey = key.startsWith(`--`) ? key : hyphenate(key); if (isString(value) || typeof value === 'number') { // only render valid values ret += `${normalizedKey}:${value};`; } } return ret; } function normalizeClass(value) { let res = ''; if (isString(value)) { res = value; } else if (isArray(value)) { for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { const normalized = normalizeClass(value[i]); if (normalized) { res += normalized + ' '; } } } else if (isObject(value)) { for (const name in value) { if (value[name]) { res += name + ' '; } } } return res.trim(); } // These tag configs are shared between compiler-dom and runtime-dom, so they // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element const HTML_TAGS = 'html,body,base,head,link,meta,style,title,address,article,aside,footer,' + 'header,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,nav,section,div,dd,dl,dt,figcaption,' + 'figure,picture,hr,img,li,main,ol,p,pre,ul,a,b,abbr,bdi,bdo,br,cite,code,' + 'data,dfn,em,i,kbd,mark,q,rp,rt,ruby,s,samp,small,span,strong,sub,sup,' + 'time,u,var,wbr,area,audio,map,track,video,embed,object,param,source,' + 'canvas,script,noscript,del,ins,caption,col,colgroup,table,thead,tbody,td,' + 'th,tr,button,datalist,fieldset,form,input,label,legend,meter,optgroup,' + 'option,output,progress,select,textarea,details,dialog,menu,' + 'summary,template,blockquote,iframe,tfoot'; // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Element const SVG_TAGS = 'svg,animate,animateMotion,animateTransform,circle,clipPath,color-profile,' + 'defs,desc,discard,ellipse,feBlend,feColorMatrix,feComponentTransfer,' + 'feComposite,feConvolveMatrix,feDiffuseLighting,feDisplacementMap,' + 'feDistanceLight,feDropShadow,feFlood,feFuncA,feFuncB,feFuncG,feFuncR,' + 'feGaussianBlur,feImage,feMerge,feMergeNode,feMorphology,feOffset,' + 'fePointLight,feSpecularLighting,feSpotLight,feTile,feTurbulence,filter,' + 'foreignObject,g,hatch,hatchpath,image,line,linearGradient,marker,mask,' + 'mesh,meshgradient,meshpatch,meshrow,metadata,mpath,path,pattern,' + 'polygon,polyline,radialGradient,rect,set,solidcolor,stop,switch,symbol,' + 'text,textPath,title,tspan,unknown,use,view'; const VOID_TAGS = 'area,base,br,col,embed,hr,img,input,link,meta,param,source,track,wbr'; /** * Compiler only. * Do NOT use in runtime code paths unless behind `true` flag. */ const isHTMLTag = /*#__PURE__*/ makeMap(HTML_TAGS); /** * Compiler only. * Do NOT use in runtime code paths unless behind `true` flag. */ const isSVGTag = /*#__PURE__*/ makeMap(SVG_TAGS); /** * Compiler only. * Do NOT use in runtime code paths unless behind `true` flag. */ const isVoidTag = /*#__PURE__*/ makeMap(VOID_TAGS); /** * On the client we only need to offer special cases for boolean attributes that * have different names from their corresponding dom properties: * - itemscope -> N/A * - allowfullscreen -> allowFullscreen * - formnovalidate -> formNoValidate * - ismap -> isMap * - nomodule -> noModule * - novalidate -> noValidate * - readonly -> readOnly */ const specialBooleanAttrs = `itemscope,allowfullscreen,formnovalidate,ismap,nomodule,novalidate,readonly`; /** * The full list is needed during SSR to produce the correct initial markup. */ const isBooleanAttr = /*#__PURE__*/ makeMap(specialBooleanAttrs + `,async,autofocus,autoplay,controls,default,defer,disabled,hidden,` + `loop,open,required,reversed,scoped,seamless,` + `checked,muted,multiple,selected`); const unsafeAttrCharRE = /[>/="'\u0009\u000a\u000c\u0020]/; const attrValidationCache = {}; function isSSRSafeAttrName(name) { if (attrValidationCache.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return attrValidationCache[name]; } const isUnsafe = unsafeAttrCharRE.test(name); if (isUnsafe) { console.error(`unsafe attribute name: ${name}`); } return (attrValidationCache[name] = !isUnsafe); } const propsToAttrMap = { acceptCharset: 'accept-charset', className: 'class', htmlFor: 'for', httpEquiv: 'http-equiv' }; /** * Known attributes, this is used for stringification of runtime static nodes * so that we don't stringify bindings that cannot be set from HTML. * Don't also forget to allow `data-*` and `aria-*`! * Generated from https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Attributes */ const isKnownHtmlAttr = /*#__PURE__*/ makeMap(`accept,accept-charset,accesskey,action,align,allow,alt,async,` + `autocapitalize,autocomplete,autofocus,autoplay,background,bgcolor,` + `border,buffered,capture,challenge,charset,checked,cite,class,code,` + `codebase,color,cols,colspan,content,contenteditable,contextmenu,controls,` + `coords,crossorigin,csp,data,datetime,decoding,default,defer,dir,dirname,` + `disabled,download,draggable,dropzone,enctype,enterkeyhint,for,form,` + `formaction,formenctype,formmethod,formnovalidate,formtarget,headers,` + `height,hidden,high,href,hreflang,http-equiv,icon,id,importance,integrity,` + `ismap,itemprop,keytype,kind,label,lang,language,loading,list,loop,low,` + `manifest,max,maxlength,minlength,media,min,multiple,muted,name,novalidate,` + `open,optimum,pattern,ping,placeholder,poster,preload,radiogroup,readonly,` + `referrerpolicy,rel,required,reversed,rows,rowspan,sandbox,scope,scoped,` + `selected,shape,size,sizes,slot,span,spellcheck,src,srcdoc,srclang,srcset,` + `start,step,style,summary,tabindex,target,title,translate,type,usemap,` + `value,width,wrap`); /** * Generated from https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute */ const isKnownSvgAttr = /*#__PURE__*/ makeMap(`xmlns,accent-height,accumulate,additive,alignment-baseline,alphabetic,amplitude,` + `arabic-form,ascent,attributeName,attributeType,azimuth,baseFrequency,` + `baseline-shift,baseProfile,bbox,begin,bias,by,calcMode,cap-height,class,` + `clip,clipPathUnits,clip-path,clip-rule,color,color-interpolation,` + `color-interpolation-filters,color-profile,color-rendering,` + `contentScriptType,contentStyleType,crossorigin,cursor,cx,cy,d,decelerate,` + `descent,diffuseConstant,direction,display,divisor,dominant-baseline,dur,dx,` + `dy,edgeMode,elevation,enable-background,end,exponent,fill,fill-opacity,` + `fill-rule,filter,filterRes,filterUnits,flood-color,flood-opacity,` + `font-family,font-size,font-size-adjust,font-stretch,font-style,` + `font-variant,font-weight,format,from,fr,fx,fy,g1,g2,glyph-name,` + `glyph-orientation-horizontal,glyph-orientation-vertical,glyphRef,` + `gradientTransform,gradientUnits,hanging,height,href,hreflang,horiz-adv-x,` + `horiz-origin-x,id,ideographic,image-rendering,in,in2,intercept,k,k1,k2,k3,` + `k4,kernelMatrix,kernelUnitLength,kerning,keyPoints,keySplines,keyTimes,` + `lang,lengthAdjust,letter-spacing,lighting-color,limitingConeAngle,local,` + `marker-end,marker-mid,marker-start,markerHeight,markerUnits,markerWidth,` + `mask,maskContentUnits,maskUnits,mathematical,max,media,method,min,mode,` + `name,numOctaves,offset,opacity,operator,order,orient,orientation,origin,` + `overflow,overline-position,overline-thickness,panose-1,paint-order,path,` + `pathLength,patternContentUnits,patternTransform,patternUnits,ping,` + `pointer-events,points,pointsAtX,pointsAtY,pointsAtZ,preserveAlpha,` + `preserveAspectRatio,primitiveUnits,r,radius,referrerPolicy,refX,refY,rel,` + `rendering-intent,repeatCount,repeatDur,requiredExtensions,requiredFeatures,` + `restart,result,rotate,rx,ry,scale,seed,shape-rendering,slope,spacing,` + `specularConstant,specularExponent,speed,spreadMethod,startOffset,` + `stdDeviation,stemh,stemv,stitchTiles,stop-color,stop-opacity,` + `strikethrough-position,strikethrough-thickness,string,stroke,` + `stroke-dasharray,stroke-dashoffset,stroke-linecap,stroke-linejoin,` + `stroke-miterlimit,stroke-opacity,stroke-width,style,surfaceScale,` + `systemLanguage,tabindex,tableValues,target,targetX,targetY,text-anchor,` + `text-decoration,text-rendering,textLength,to,transform,transform-origin,` + `type,u1,u2,underline-position,underline-thickness,unicode,unicode-bidi,` + `unicode-range,units-per-em,v-alphabetic,v-hanging,v-ideographic,` + `v-mathematical,values,vector-effect,version,vert-adv-y,vert-origin-x,` + `vert-origin-y,viewBox,viewTarget,visibility,width,widths,word-spacing,` + `writing-mode,x,x-height,x1,x2,xChannelSelector,xlink:actuate,xlink:arcrole,` + `xlink:href,xlink:role,xlink:show,xlink:title,xlink:type,xml:base,xml:lang,` + `xml:space,y,y1,y2,yChannelSelector,z,zoomAndPan`); const escapeRE = /["'&<>]/; function escapeHtml(string) { const str = '' + string; const match = escapeRE.exec(str); if (!match) { return str; } let html = ''; let escaped; let index; let lastIndex = 0; for (index = match.index; index < str.length; index++) { switch (str.charCodeAt(index)) { case 34: // " escaped = '"'; break; case 38: // & escaped = '&'; break; case 39: // ' escaped = '''; break; case 60: // < escaped = '<'; break; case 62: // > escaped = '>'; break; default: continue; } if (lastIndex !== index) { html += str.slice(lastIndex, index); } lastIndex = index + 1; html += escaped; } return lastIndex !== index ? html + str.slice(lastIndex, index) : html; } /** * For converting {{ interpolation }} values to displayed strings. * @private */ const toDisplayString = (val) => { return isString(val) ? val : val == null ? '' : isArray(val) || (isObject(val) && (val.toString === objectToString || !isFunction(val.toString))) ? JSON.stringify(val, replacer, 2) : String(val); }; const replacer = (_key, val) => { // can't use isRef here since @vue/shared has no deps if (val && val.__v_isRef) { return replacer(_key, val.value); } else if (isMap(val)) { return { [`Map(${val.size})`]: [...val.entries()].reduce((entries, [key, val]) => { entries[`${key} =>`] = val; return entries; }, {}) }; } else if (isSet(val)) { return { [`Set(${val.size})`]: [...val.values()] }; } else if (isObject(val) && !isArray(val) && !isPlainObject(val)) { return String(val); } return val; }; const EMPTY_OBJ = Object.freeze({}) ; Object.freeze([]) ; const NOOP = () => { }; /** * Always return false. */ const NO = () => false; const onRE = /^on[^a-z]/; const isOn = (key) => onRE.test(key); const extend = Object.assign; const hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; const hasOwn = (val, key) => hasOwnProperty.call(val, key); const isArray = Array.isArray; const isMap = (val) => toTypeString(val) === '[object Map]'; const isSet = (val) => toTypeString(val) === '[object Set]'; const isFunction = (val) => typeof val === 'function'; const isString = (val) => typeof val === 'string'; const isSymbol = (val) => typeof val === 'symbol'; const isObject = (val) => val !== null && typeof val === 'object'; const objectToString = Object.prototype.toString; const toTypeString = (value) => objectToString.call(value); const isPlainObject = (val) => toTypeString(val) === '[object Object]'; const isReservedProp = /*#__PURE__*/ makeMap( // the leading comma is intentional so empty string "" is also included ',key,ref,ref_for,ref_key,' + 'onVnodeBeforeMount,onVnodeMounted,' + 'onVnodeBeforeUpdate,onVnodeUpdated,' + 'onVnodeBeforeUnmount,onVnodeUnmounted'); const isBuiltInDirective = /*#__PURE__*/ makeMap('bind,cloak,else-if,else,for,html,if,model,on,once,pre,show,slot,text,memo'); const cacheStringFunction = (fn) => { const cache = Object.create(null); return ((str) => { const hit = cache[str]; return hit || (cache[str] = fn(str)); }); }; const camelizeRE = /-(\w)/g; /** * @private */ const camelize = cacheStringFunction((str) => { return str.replace(camelizeRE, (_, c) => (c ? c.toUpperCase() : '')); }); const hyphenateRE = /\B([A-Z])/g; /** * @private */ const hyphenate = cacheStringFunction((str) => str.replace(hyphenateRE, '-$1').toLowerCase()); /** * @private */ const capitalize = cacheStringFunction((str) => str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1)); /** * @private */ const toHandlerKey = cacheStringFunction((str) => str ? `on${capitalize(str)}` : ``); const identRE = /^[_$a-zA-Z\xA0-\uFFFF][_$a-zA-Z0-9\xA0-\uFFFF]*$/; function genPropsAccessExp(name) { return identRE.test(name) ? `__props.${name}` : `__props[${JSON.stringify(name)}]`; } function defaultOnError(error) { throw error; } function defaultOnWarn(msg) { console.warn(`[Vue warn] ${msg.message}`); } function createCompilerError(code, loc, messages, additionalMessage) { const msg = (messages || errorMessages)[code] + (additionalMessage || ``) ; const error = new SyntaxError(String(msg)); error.code = code; error.loc = loc; return error; } const errorMessages = { // parse errors [0 /* ErrorCodes.ABRUPT_CLOSING_OF_EMPTY_COMMENT */]: 'Illegal comment.', [1 /* ErrorCodes.CDATA_IN_HTML_CONTENT */]: 'CDATA section is allowed only in XML context.', [2 /* ErrorCodes.DUPLICATE_ATTRIBUTE */]: 'Duplicate attribute.', [3 /* ErrorCodes.END_TAG_WITH_ATTRIBUTES */]: 'End tag cannot have attributes.', [4 /* ErrorCodes.END_TAG_WITH_TRAILING_SOLIDUS */]: "Illegal '/' in tags.", [5 /* ErrorCodes.EOF_BEFORE_TAG_NAME */]: 'Unexpected EOF in tag.', [6 /* ErrorCodes.EOF_IN_CDATA */]: 'Unexpected EOF in CDATA section.', [7 /* ErrorCodes.EOF_IN_COMMENT */]: 'Unexpected EOF in comment.', [8 /* ErrorCodes.EOF_IN_SCRIPT_HTML_COMMENT_LIKE_TEXT */]: 'Unexpected EOF in script.', [9 /* ErrorCodes.EOF_IN_TAG */]: 'Unexpected EOF in tag.', [10 /* ErrorCodes.INCORRECTLY_CLOSED_COMMENT */]: 'Incorrectly closed comment.', [11 /* ErrorCodes.INCORRECTLY_OPENED_COMMENT */]: 'Incorrectly opened comment.', [12 /* ErrorCodes.INVALID_FIRST_CHARACTER_OF_TAG_NAME */]: "Illegal tag name. Use '<' to print '<'.", [13 /* ErrorCodes.MISSING_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE */]: 'Attribute value was expected.', [14 /* ErrorCodes.MISSING_END_TAG_NAME */]: 'End tag name was expected.', [15 /* ErrorCodes.MISSING_WHITESPACE_BETWEEN_ATTRIBUTES */]: 'Whitespace was expected.', [16 /* ErrorCodes.NESTED_COMMENT */]: "Unexpected ' isRef(x) ? x.value = y : x = y const { right: rVal, operator } = parent; const rExp = rawExp.slice(rVal.start - 1, rVal.end - 1); const rExpString = stringifyExpression(processExpression(createSimpleExpression(rExp, false), context, false, false, knownIds)); return `${context.helperString(IS_REF)}(${raw})${context.isTS ? ` //@ts-ignore\n` : ``} ? ${raw}.value ${operator} ${rExpString} : ${raw}`; } else if (isUpdateArg) { // make id replace parent in the code range so the raw update operator // is removed id.start = parent.start; id.end = parent.end; const { prefix: isPrefix, operator } = parent; const prefix = isPrefix ? operator : ``; const postfix = isPrefix ? `` : operator; // let binding. // x++ --> isRef(a) ? a.value++ : a++ return `${context.helperString(IS_REF)}(${raw})${context.isTS ? ` //@ts-ignore\n` : ``} ? ${prefix}${raw}.value${postfix} : ${prefix}${raw}${postfix}`; } else if (isDestructureAssignment) { // TODO // let binding in a destructure assignment - it's very tricky to // handle both possible cases here without altering the original // structure of the code, so we just assume it's not a ref here // for now return raw; } else { return `${context.helperString(UNREF)}(${raw})`; } } else if (type === "props" /* BindingTypes.PROPS */) { // use __props which is generated by compileScript so in ts mode // it gets correct type return genPropsAccessExp(raw); } else if (type === "props-aliased" /* BindingTypes.PROPS_ALIASED */) { // prop with a different local alias (from defineProps() destructure) return genPropsAccessExp(bindingMetadata.__propsAliases[raw]); } } else { if (type && type.startsWith('setup')) { // setup bindings in non-inline mode return `$setup.${raw}`; } else if (type === "props-aliased" /* BindingTypes.PROPS_ALIASED */) { return `$props['${bindingMetadata.__propsAliases[raw]}']`; } else if (type) { return `$${type}.${raw}`; } } // fallback to ctx return `_ctx.${raw}`; }; // fast path if expression is a simple identifier. const rawExp = node.content; // bail constant on parens (function invocation) and dot (member access) const bailConstant = rawExp.indexOf(`(`) > -1 || rawExp.indexOf('.') > 0; if (isSimpleIdentifier(rawExp)) { const isScopeVarReference = context.identifiers[rawExp]; const isAllowedGlobal = isGloballyWhitelisted(rawExp); const isLiteral = isLiteralWhitelisted(rawExp); if (!asParams && !isScopeVarReference && !isAllowedGlobal && !isLiteral) { // const bindings exposed from setup can be skipped for patching but // cannot be hoisted to module scope if (bindingMetadata[node.content] === "setup-const" /* BindingTypes.SETUP_CONST */) { node.constType = 1 /* ConstantTypes.CAN_SKIP_PATCH */; } node.content = rewriteIdentifier(rawExp); } else if (!isScopeVarReference) { if (isLiteral) { node.constType = 3 /* ConstantTypes.CAN_STRINGIFY */; } else { node.constType = 2 /* ConstantTypes.CAN_HOIST */; } } return node; } let ast; // exp needs to be parsed differently: // 1. Multiple inline statements (v-on, with presence of `;`): parse as raw // exp, but make sure to pad with spaces for consistent ranges // 2. Expressions: wrap with parens (for e.g. object expressions) // 3. Function arguments (v-for, v-slot): place in a function argument position const source = asRawStatements ? ` ${rawExp} ` : `(${rawExp})${asParams ? `=>{}` : ``}`; try { ast = parse_1(source, { plugins: context.expressionPlugins }).program; } catch (e) { context.onError(createCompilerError(45 /* ErrorCodes.X_INVALID_EXPRESSION */, node.loc, undefined, e.message)); return node; } const ids = []; const parentStack = []; const knownIds = Object.create(context.identifiers); walkIdentifiers(ast, (node, parent, _, isReferenced, isLocal) => { if (isStaticPropertyKey(node, parent)) { return; } const needPrefix = isReferenced && canPrefix(node); if (needPrefix && !isLocal) { if (isStaticProperty(parent) && parent.shorthand) { node.prefix = `${node.name}: `; } node.name = rewriteIdentifier(node.name, parent, node); ids.push(node); } else { // The identifier is considered constant unless it's pointing to a // local scope variable (a v-for alias, or a v-slot prop) if (!(needPrefix && isLocal) && !bailConstant) { node.isConstant = true; } // also generate sub-expressions for other identifiers for better // source map support. (except for property keys which are static) ids.push(node); } }, true, // invoke on ALL identifiers parentStack, knownIds); // We break up the compound expression into an array of strings and sub // expressions (for identifiers that have been prefixed). In codegen, if // an ExpressionNode has the `.children` property, it will be used instead of // `.content`. const children = []; ids.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start); ids.forEach((id, i) => { // range is offset by -1 due to the wrapping parens when parsed const start = id.start - 1; const end = id.end - 1; const last = ids[i - 1]; const leadingText = rawExp.slice(last ? last.end - 1 : 0, start); if (leadingText.length || id.prefix) { children.push(leadingText + (id.prefix || ``)); } const source = rawExp.slice(start, end); children.push(createSimpleExpression(id.name, false, { source, start: advancePositionWithClone(node.loc.start, source, start), end: advancePositionWithClone(node.loc.start, source, end) }, id.isConstant ? 3 /* ConstantTypes.CAN_STRINGIFY */ : 0 /* ConstantTypes.NOT_CONSTANT */)); if (i === ids.length - 1 && end < rawExp.length) { children.push(rawExp.slice(end)); } }); let ret; if (children.length) { ret = createCompoundExpression(children, node.loc); } else { ret = node; ret.constType = bailConstant ? 0 /* ConstantTypes.NOT_CONSTANT */ : 3 /* ConstantTypes.CAN_STRINGIFY */; } ret.identifiers = Object.keys(knownIds); return ret; } function canPrefix(id) { // skip whitelisted globals if (isGloballyWhitelisted(id.name)) { return false; } // special case for webpack compilation if (id.name === 'require') { return false; } return true; } function stringifyExpression(exp) { if (isString(exp)) { return exp; } else if (exp.type === 4 /* NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION */) { return exp.content; } else { return exp.children .map(stringifyExpression) .join(''); } } const transformIf = createStructuralDirectiveTransform(/^(if|else|else-if)$/, (node, dir, context) => { return processIf(node, dir, context, (ifNode, branch, isRoot) => { // #1587: We need to dynamically increment the key based on the current // node's sibling nodes, since chained v-if/else branches are // rendered at the same depth const siblings = context.parent.children; let i = siblings.indexOf(ifNode); let key = 0; while (i-- >= 0) { const sibling = siblings[i]; if (sibling && sibling.type === 9 /* NodeTypes.IF */) { key += sibling.branches.length; } } // Exit callback. Complete the codegenNode when all children have been // transformed. return () => { if (isRoot) { ifNode.codegenNode = createCodegenNodeForBranch(branch, key, context); } else { // attach this branch's codegen node to the v-if root. const parentCondition = getParentCondition(ifNode.codegenNode); parentCondition.alternate = createCodegenNodeForBranch(branch, key + ifNode.branches.length - 1, context); } }; }); }); // target-agnostic transform used for both Client and SSR function processIf(node, dir, context, processCodegen) { if (dir.name !== 'else' && (!dir.exp || !dir.exp.content.trim())) { const loc = dir.exp ? dir.exp.loc : node.loc; context.onError(createCompilerError(28 /* ErrorCodes.X_V_IF_NO_EXPRESSION */, dir.loc)); dir.exp = createSimpleExpression(`true`, false, loc); } if (context.prefixIdentifiers && dir.exp) { // dir.exp can only be simple expression because vIf transform is applied // before expression transform. dir.exp = processExpression(dir.exp, context); } if (dir.name === 'if') { const branch = createIfBranch(node, dir); const ifNode = { type: 9 /* NodeTypes.IF */, loc: node.loc, branches: [branch] }; context.replaceNode(ifNode); if (processCodegen) { return processCodegen(ifNode, branch, true); } } else { // locate the adjacent v-if const siblings = context.parent.children; const comments = []; let i = siblings.indexOf(node); while (i-- >= -1) { const sibling = siblings[i]; if (sibling && sibling.type === 3 /* NodeTypes.COMMENT */) { context.removeNode(sibling); comments.unshift(sibling); continue; } if (sibling && sibling.type === 2 /* NodeTypes.TEXT */ && !sibling.content.trim().length) { context.removeNode(sibling); continue; } if (sibling && sibling.type === 9 /* NodeTypes.IF */) { // Check if v-else was followed by v-else-if if (dir.name === 'else-if' && sibling.branches[sibling.branches.length - 1].condition === undefined) { context.onError(createCompilerError(30 /* ErrorCodes.X_V_ELSE_NO_ADJACENT_IF */, node.loc)); } // move the node to the if node's branches context.removeNode(); const branch = createIfBranch(node, dir); if (comments.length && // #3619 ignore comments if the v-if is direct child of !(context.parent && context.parent.type === 1 /* NodeTypes.ELEMENT */ && isBuiltInType(context.parent.tag, 'transition'))) { branch.children = [...comments, ...branch.children]; } // check if user is forcing same key on different branches { const key = branch.userKey; if (key) { sibling.branches.forEach(({ userKey }) => { if (isSameKey(userKey, key)) { context.onError(createCompilerError(29 /* ErrorCodes.X_V_IF_SAME_KEY */, branch.userKey.loc)); } }); } } sibling.branches.push(branch); const onExit = processCodegen && processCodegen(sibling, branch, false); // since the branch was removed, it will not be traversed. // make sure to traverse here. traverseNode(branch, context); // call on exit if (onExit) onExit(); // make sure to reset currentNode after traversal to indicate this // node has been removed. context.currentNode = null; } else { context.onError(createCompilerError(30 /* ErrorCodes.X_V_ELSE_NO_ADJACENT_IF */, node.loc)); } break; } } } function createIfBranch(node, dir) { const isTemplateIf = node.tagType === 3 /* ElementTypes.TEMPLATE */; return { type: 10 /* NodeTypes.IF_BRANCH */, loc: node.loc, condition: dir.name === 'else' ? undefined : dir.exp, children: isTemplateIf && !findDir(node, 'for') ? node.children : [node], userKey: findProp(node, `key`), isTemplateIf }; } function createCodegenNodeForBranch(branch, keyIndex, context) { if (branch.condition) { return createConditionalExpression(branch.condition, createChildrenCodegenNode(branch, keyIndex, context), // make sure to pass in asBlock: true so that the comment node call // closes the current block. createCallExpression(context.helper(CREATE_COMMENT), [ '"v-if"' , 'true' ])); } else { return createChildrenCodegenNode(branch, keyIndex, context); } } function createChildrenCodegenNode(branch, keyIndex, context) { const { helper } = context; const keyProperty = createObjectProperty(`key`, createSimpleExpression(`${keyIndex}`, false, locStub, 2 /* ConstantTypes.CAN_HOIST */)); const { children } = branch; const firstChild = children[0]; const needFragmentWrapper = children.length !== 1 || firstChild.type !== 1 /* NodeTypes.ELEMENT */; if (needFragmentWrapper) { if (children.length === 1 && firstChild.type === 11 /* NodeTypes.FOR */) { // optimize away nested fragments when child is a ForNode const vnodeCall = firstChild.codegenNode; injectProp(vnodeCall, keyProperty, context); return vnodeCall; } else { let patchFlag = 64 /* PatchFlags.STABLE_FRAGMENT */; let patchFlagText = PatchFlagNames[64 /* PatchFlags.STABLE_FRAGMENT */]; // check if the fragment actually contains a single valid child with // the rest being comments if (!branch.isTemplateIf && children.filter(c => c.type !== 3 /* NodeTypes.COMMENT */).length === 1) { patchFlag |= 2048 /* PatchFlags.DEV_ROOT_FRAGMENT */; patchFlagText += `, ${PatchFlagNames[2048 /* PatchFlags.DEV_ROOT_FRAGMENT */]}`; } return createVNodeCall(context, helper(FRAGMENT), createObjectExpression([keyProperty]), children, patchFlag + (` /* ${patchFlagText} */` ), undefined, undefined, true, false, false /* isComponent */, branch.loc); } } else { const ret = firstChild.codegenNode; const vnodeCall = getMemoedVNodeCall(ret); // Change createVNode to createBlock. if (vnodeCall.type === 13 /* NodeTypes.VNODE_CALL */) { makeBlock(vnodeCall, context); } // inject branch key injectProp(vnodeCall, keyProperty, context); return ret; } } function isSameKey(a, b) { if (!a || a.type !== b.type) { return false; } if (a.type === 6 /* NodeTypes.ATTRIBUTE */) { if (a.value.content !== b.value.content) { return false; } } else { // directive const exp = a.exp; const branchExp = b.exp; if (exp.type !== branchExp.type) { return false; } if (exp.type !== 4 /* NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION */ || exp.isStatic !== branchExp.isStatic || exp.content !== branchExp.content) { return false; } } return true; } function getParentCondition(node) { while (true) { if (node.type === 19 /* NodeTypes.JS_CONDITIONAL_EXPRESSION */) { if (node.alternate.type === 19 /* NodeTypes.JS_CONDITIONAL_EXPRESSION */) { node = node.alternate; } else { return node; } } else if (node.type === 20 /* NodeTypes.JS_CACHE_EXPRESSION */) { node = node.value; } } } const transformFor = createStructuralDirectiveTransform('for', (node, dir, context) => { const { helper, removeHelper } = context; return processFor(node, dir, context, forNode => { // create the loop render function expression now, and add the // iterator on exit after all children have been traversed const renderExp = createCallExpression(helper(RENDER_LIST), [ forNode.source ]); const isTemplate = isTemplateNode(node); const memo = findDir(node, 'memo'); const keyProp = findProp(node, `key`); const keyExp = keyProp && (keyProp.type === 6 /* NodeTypes.ATTRIBUTE */ ? createSimpleExpression(keyProp.value.content, true) : keyProp.exp); const keyProperty = keyProp ? createObjectProperty(`key`, keyExp) : null; if (isTemplate) { // #2085 / #5288 process :key and v-memo expressions need to be // processed on `