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synced 2025-03-13 03:21:05 +00:00
251 lines
7.3 KiB
251 lines
7.3 KiB
/*! fetch-blob. MIT License. Jimmy Wärting <https://jimmy.warting.se/opensource> */
// TODO (jimmywarting): in the feature use conditional loading with top level await (requires 14.x)
// Node has recently added whatwg stream into core
import './streams.cjs'
// 64 KiB (same size chrome slice theirs blob into Uint8array's)
const POOL_SIZE = 65536
/** @param {(Blob | Uint8Array)[]} parts */
async function * toIterator (parts, clone = true) {
for (const part of parts) {
if ('stream' in part) {
yield * (/** @type {AsyncIterableIterator<Uint8Array>} */ (part.stream()))
} else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(part)) {
if (clone) {
let position = part.byteOffset
const end = part.byteOffset + part.byteLength
while (position !== end) {
const size = Math.min(end - position, POOL_SIZE)
const chunk = part.buffer.slice(position, position + size)
position += chunk.byteLength
yield new Uint8Array(chunk)
} else {
yield part
/* c8 ignore next 10 */
} else {
// For blobs that have arrayBuffer but no stream method (nodes buffer.Blob)
let position = 0, b = (/** @type {Blob} */ (part))
while (position !== b.size) {
const chunk = b.slice(position, Math.min(b.size, position + POOL_SIZE))
const buffer = await chunk.arrayBuffer()
position += buffer.byteLength
yield new Uint8Array(buffer)
const _Blob = class Blob {
/** @type {Array.<(Blob|Uint8Array)>} */
#parts = []
#type = ''
#size = 0
#endings = 'transparent'
* The Blob() constructor returns a new Blob object. The content
* of the blob consists of the concatenation of the values given
* in the parameter array.
* @param {*} blobParts
* @param {{ type?: string, endings?: string }} [options]
constructor (blobParts = [], options = {}) {
if (typeof blobParts !== 'object' || blobParts === null) {
throw new TypeError('Failed to construct \'Blob\': The provided value cannot be converted to a sequence.')
if (typeof blobParts[Symbol.iterator] !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError('Failed to construct \'Blob\': The object must have a callable @@iterator property.')
if (typeof options !== 'object' && typeof options !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError('Failed to construct \'Blob\': parameter 2 cannot convert to dictionary.')
if (options === null) options = {}
const encoder = new TextEncoder()
for (const element of blobParts) {
let part
if (ArrayBuffer.isView(element)) {
part = new Uint8Array(element.buffer.slice(element.byteOffset, element.byteOffset + element.byteLength))
} else if (element instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
part = new Uint8Array(element.slice(0))
} else if (element instanceof Blob) {
part = element
} else {
part = encoder.encode(`${element}`)
this.#size += ArrayBuffer.isView(part) ? part.byteLength : part.size
this.#endings = `${options.endings === undefined ? 'transparent' : options.endings}`
const type = options.type === undefined ? '' : String(options.type)
this.#type = /^[\x20-\x7E]*$/.test(type) ? type : ''
* The Blob interface's size property returns the
* size of the Blob in bytes.
get size () {
return this.#size
* The type property of a Blob object returns the MIME type of the file.
get type () {
return this.#type
* The text() method in the Blob interface returns a Promise
* that resolves with a string containing the contents of
* the blob, interpreted as UTF-8.
* @return {Promise<string>}
async text () {
// More optimized than using this.arrayBuffer()
// that requires twice as much ram
const decoder = new TextDecoder()
let str = ''
for await (const part of toIterator(this.#parts, false)) {
str += decoder.decode(part, { stream: true })
// Remaining
str += decoder.decode()
return str
* The arrayBuffer() method in the Blob interface returns a
* Promise that resolves with the contents of the blob as
* binary data contained in an ArrayBuffer.
* @return {Promise<ArrayBuffer>}
async arrayBuffer () {
// Easier way... Just a unnecessary overhead
// const view = new Uint8Array(this.size);
// await this.stream().getReader({mode: 'byob'}).read(view);
// return view.buffer;
const data = new Uint8Array(this.size)
let offset = 0
for await (const chunk of toIterator(this.#parts, false)) {
data.set(chunk, offset)
offset += chunk.length
return data.buffer
stream () {
const it = toIterator(this.#parts, true)
return new globalThis.ReadableStream({
// @ts-ignore
type: 'bytes',
async pull (ctrl) {
const chunk = await it.next()
chunk.done ? ctrl.close() : ctrl.enqueue(chunk.value)
async cancel () {
await it.return()
* The Blob interface's slice() method creates and returns a
* new Blob object which contains data from a subset of the
* blob on which it's called.
* @param {number} [start]
* @param {number} [end]
* @param {string} [type]
slice (start = 0, end = this.size, type = '') {
const { size } = this
let relativeStart = start < 0 ? Math.max(size + start, 0) : Math.min(start, size)
let relativeEnd = end < 0 ? Math.max(size + end, 0) : Math.min(end, size)
const span = Math.max(relativeEnd - relativeStart, 0)
const parts = this.#parts
const blobParts = []
let added = 0
for (const part of parts) {
// don't add the overflow to new blobParts
if (added >= span) {
const size = ArrayBuffer.isView(part) ? part.byteLength : part.size
if (relativeStart && size <= relativeStart) {
// Skip the beginning and change the relative
// start & end position as we skip the unwanted parts
relativeStart -= size
relativeEnd -= size
} else {
let chunk
if (ArrayBuffer.isView(part)) {
chunk = part.subarray(relativeStart, Math.min(size, relativeEnd))
added += chunk.byteLength
} else {
chunk = part.slice(relativeStart, Math.min(size, relativeEnd))
added += chunk.size
relativeEnd -= size
relativeStart = 0 // All next sequential parts should start at 0
const blob = new Blob([], { type: String(type).toLowerCase() })
blob.#size = span
blob.#parts = blobParts
return blob
get [Symbol.toStringTag] () {
return 'Blob'
static [Symbol.hasInstance] (object) {
return (
object &&
typeof object === 'object' &&
typeof object.constructor === 'function' &&
typeof object.stream === 'function' ||
typeof object.arrayBuffer === 'function'
) &&
Object.defineProperties(_Blob.prototype, {
size: { enumerable: true },
type: { enumerable: true },
slice: { enumerable: true }
/** @type {typeof globalThis.Blob} */
export const Blob = _Blob
export default Blob