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'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
var compilerDom = require('@vue/compiler-dom');
var shared = require('@vue/shared');
const SSR_INTERPOLATE = Symbol(`ssrInterpolate`);
const SSR_RENDER_VNODE = Symbol(`ssrRenderVNode`);
const SSR_RENDER_COMPONENT = Symbol(`ssrRenderComponent`);
const SSR_RENDER_SLOT = Symbol(`ssrRenderSlot`);
const SSR_RENDER_SLOT_INNER = Symbol(`ssrRenderSlotInner`);
const SSR_RENDER_CLASS = Symbol(`ssrRenderClass`);
const SSR_RENDER_STYLE = Symbol(`ssrRenderStyle`);
const SSR_RENDER_ATTRS = Symbol(`ssrRenderAttrs`);
const SSR_RENDER_ATTR = Symbol(`ssrRenderAttr`);
const SSR_RENDER_DYNAMIC_ATTR = Symbol(`ssrRenderDynamicAttr`);
const SSR_RENDER_LIST = Symbol(`ssrRenderList`);
const SSR_INCLUDE_BOOLEAN_ATTR = Symbol(`ssrIncludeBooleanAttr`);
const SSR_LOOSE_EQUAL = Symbol(`ssrLooseEqual`);
const SSR_LOOSE_CONTAIN = Symbol(`ssrLooseContain`);
const SSR_RENDER_DYNAMIC_MODEL = Symbol(`ssrRenderDynamicModel`);
const SSR_GET_DYNAMIC_MODEL_PROPS = Symbol(`ssrGetDynamicModelProps`);
const SSR_RENDER_TELEPORT = Symbol(`ssrRenderTeleport`);
const SSR_RENDER_SUSPENSE = Symbol(`ssrRenderSuspense`);
const SSR_GET_DIRECTIVE_PROPS = Symbol(`ssrGetDirectiveProps`);
const ssrHelpers = {
[SSR_INTERPOLATE]: `ssrInterpolate`,
[SSR_RENDER_VNODE]: `ssrRenderVNode`,
[SSR_RENDER_COMPONENT]: `ssrRenderComponent`,
[SSR_RENDER_SLOT]: `ssrRenderSlot`,
[SSR_RENDER_SLOT_INNER]: `ssrRenderSlotInner`,
[SSR_RENDER_CLASS]: `ssrRenderClass`,
[SSR_RENDER_STYLE]: `ssrRenderStyle`,
[SSR_RENDER_ATTRS]: `ssrRenderAttrs`,
[SSR_RENDER_ATTR]: `ssrRenderAttr`,
[SSR_RENDER_DYNAMIC_ATTR]: `ssrRenderDynamicAttr`,
[SSR_RENDER_LIST]: `ssrRenderList`,
[SSR_INCLUDE_BOOLEAN_ATTR]: `ssrIncludeBooleanAttr`,
[SSR_LOOSE_EQUAL]: `ssrLooseEqual`,
[SSR_LOOSE_CONTAIN]: `ssrLooseContain`,
[SSR_RENDER_DYNAMIC_MODEL]: `ssrRenderDynamicModel`,
[SSR_GET_DYNAMIC_MODEL_PROPS]: `ssrGetDynamicModelProps`,
[SSR_RENDER_TELEPORT]: `ssrRenderTeleport`,
[SSR_RENDER_SUSPENSE]: `ssrRenderSuspense`,
[SSR_GET_DIRECTIVE_PROPS]: `ssrGetDirectiveProps`
// Note: these are helpers imported from @vue/server-renderer
// make sure the names match!
// Plugin for the first transform pass, which simply constructs the AST node
const ssrTransformIf = compilerDom.createStructuralDirectiveTransform(/^(if|else|else-if)$/, compilerDom.processIf);
// This is called during the 2nd transform pass to construct the SSR-specific
// codegen nodes.
function ssrProcessIf(node, context, disableNestedFragments = false) {
const [rootBranch] = node.branches;
const ifStatement = compilerDom.createIfStatement(rootBranch.condition, processIfBranch(rootBranch, context, disableNestedFragments));
let currentIf = ifStatement;
for (let i = 1; i < node.branches.length; i++) {
const branch = node.branches[i];
const branchBlockStatement = processIfBranch(branch, context, disableNestedFragments);
if (branch.condition) {
// else-if
currentIf = currentIf.alternate = compilerDom.createIfStatement(branch.condition, branchBlockStatement);
else {
// else
currentIf.alternate = branchBlockStatement;
if (!currentIf.alternate) {
currentIf.alternate = compilerDom.createBlockStatement([
compilerDom.createCallExpression(`_push`, ['`<!---->`'])
function processIfBranch(branch, context, disableNestedFragments = false) {
const { children } = branch;
const needFragmentWrapper = !disableNestedFragments &&
(children.length !== 1 || children[0].type !== 1 /* NodeTypes.ELEMENT */) &&
// optimize away nested fragments when the only child is a ForNode
!(children.length === 1 && children[0].type === 11 /* NodeTypes.FOR */);
return processChildrenAsStatement(branch, context, needFragmentWrapper);
// Plugin for the first transform pass, which simply constructs the AST node
const ssrTransformFor = compilerDom.createStructuralDirectiveTransform('for', compilerDom.processFor);
// This is called during the 2nd transform pass to construct the SSR-specific
// codegen nodes.
function ssrProcessFor(node, context, disableNestedFragments = false) {
const needFragmentWrapper = !disableNestedFragments &&
(node.children.length !== 1 || node.children[0].type !== 1 /* NodeTypes.ELEMENT */);
const renderLoop = compilerDom.createFunctionExpression(compilerDom.createForLoopParams(node.parseResult));
renderLoop.body = processChildrenAsStatement(node, context, needFragmentWrapper);
// v-for always renders a fragment unless explicitly disabled
if (!disableNestedFragments) {
context.pushStatement(compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_RENDER_LIST), [
if (!disableNestedFragments) {
const ssrTransformSlotOutlet = (node, context) => {
if (compilerDom.isSlotOutlet(node)) {
const { slotName, slotProps } = compilerDom.processSlotOutlet(node, context);
const args = [
slotProps || `{}`,
// fallback content placeholder. will be replaced in the process phase
// inject slot scope id if current template uses :slotted
if (context.scopeId && context.slotted !== false) {
let method = SSR_RENDER_SLOT;
// #3989
// check if this is a single slot inside a transition wrapper - since
// transition will unwrap the slot fragment into a single vnode at runtime,
// we need to avoid rendering the slot as a fragment.
const parent = context.parent;
if (parent &&
parent.type === 1 /* NodeTypes.ELEMENT */ &&
parent.tagType === 1 /* ElementTypes.COMPONENT */ &&
compilerDom.resolveComponentType(parent, context, true) === compilerDom.TRANSITION &&
parent.children.filter(c => c.type === 1 /* NodeTypes.ELEMENT */).length === 1) {
if (!(context.scopeId && context.slotted !== false)) {
node.ssrCodegenNode = compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(method), args);
function ssrProcessSlotOutlet(node, context) {
const renderCall = node.ssrCodegenNode;
// has fallback content
if (node.children.length) {
const fallbackRenderFn = compilerDom.createFunctionExpression([]);
fallbackRenderFn.body = processChildrenAsStatement(node, context);
// _renderSlot(slots, name, props, fallback, ...)
renderCall.arguments[3] = fallbackRenderFn;
// Forwarded <slot/>. Merge slot scope ids
if (context.withSlotScopeId) {
const slotScopeId = renderCall.arguments[6];
renderCall.arguments[6] = slotScopeId
? `${slotScopeId} + _scopeId`
: `_scopeId`;
function createSSRCompilerError(code, loc) {
return compilerDom.createCompilerError(code, loc, SSRErrorMessages);
const SSRErrorMessages = {
[62 /* SSRErrorCodes.X_SSR_UNSAFE_ATTR_NAME */]: `Unsafe attribute name for SSR.`,
[63 /* SSRErrorCodes.X_SSR_NO_TELEPORT_TARGET */]: `Missing the 'to' prop on teleport element.`,
[64 /* SSRErrorCodes.X_SSR_INVALID_AST_NODE */]: `Invalid AST node during SSR transform.`
// Note: this is a 2nd-pass codegen transform.
function ssrProcessTeleport(node, context) {
const targetProp = compilerDom.findProp(node, 'to');
if (!targetProp) {
context.onError(createSSRCompilerError(63 /* SSRErrorCodes.X_SSR_NO_TELEPORT_TARGET */, node.loc));
let target;
if (targetProp.type === 6 /* NodeTypes.ATTRIBUTE */) {
target =
targetProp.value && compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(targetProp.value.content, true);
else {
target = targetProp.exp;
if (!target) {
context.onError(createSSRCompilerError(63 /* SSRErrorCodes.X_SSR_NO_TELEPORT_TARGET */, targetProp.loc));
const disabledProp = compilerDom.findProp(node, 'disabled', false, true /* allow empty */);
const disabled = disabledProp
? disabledProp.type === 6 /* NodeTypes.ATTRIBUTE */
? `true`
: disabledProp.exp || `false`
: `false`;
const contentRenderFn = compilerDom.createFunctionExpression([`_push`], undefined, // Body is added later
true, // newline
false, // isSlot
contentRenderFn.body = processChildrenAsStatement(node, context);
context.pushStatement(compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_RENDER_TELEPORT), [
const wipMap = new WeakMap();
// phase 1
function ssrTransformSuspense(node, context) {
return () => {
if (node.children.length) {
const wipEntry = {
slotsExp: null,
wipSlots: []
wipMap.set(node, wipEntry);
wipEntry.slotsExp = compilerDom.buildSlots(node, context, (_props, children, loc) => {
const fn = compilerDom.createFunctionExpression([], undefined, // no return, assign body later
true, // newline
false, // suspense slots are not treated as normal slots
return fn;
// phase 2
function ssrProcessSuspense(node, context) {
// complete wip slots with ssr code
const wipEntry = wipMap.get(node);
if (!wipEntry) {
const { slotsExp, wipSlots } = wipEntry;
for (let i = 0; i < wipSlots.length; i++) {
const slot = wipSlots[i];
slot.fn.body = processChildrenAsStatement(slot, context);
// _push(ssrRenderSuspense(slots))
context.pushStatement(compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_RENDER_SUSPENSE), [
// for directives with children overwrite (e.g. v-html & v-text), we need to
// store the raw children so that they can be added in the 2nd pass.
const rawChildrenMap = new WeakMap();
const ssrTransformElement = (node, context) => {
if (node.type !== 1 /* NodeTypes.ELEMENT */ ||
node.tagType !== 0 /* ElementTypes.ELEMENT */) {
return function ssrPostTransformElement() {
// element
// generate the template literal representing the open tag.
const openTag = [`<${node.tag}`];
// some tags need to be passed to runtime for special checks
const needTagForRuntime = node.tag === 'textarea' || node.tag.indexOf('-') > 0;
// v-bind="obj", v-bind:[key] and custom directives can potentially
// overwrite other static attrs and can affect final rendering result,
// so when they are present we need to bail out to full `renderAttrs`
const hasDynamicVBind = compilerDom.hasDynamicKeyVBind(node);
const hasCustomDir = node.props.some(p => p.type === 7 /* NodeTypes.DIRECTIVE */ && !shared.isBuiltInDirective(p.name));
const needMergeProps = hasDynamicVBind || hasCustomDir;
if (needMergeProps) {
const { props, directives } = compilerDom.buildProps(node, context, node.props, false /* isComponent */, false /* isDynamicComponent */, true /* ssr */);
if (props || directives.length) {
const mergedProps = buildSSRProps(props, directives, context);
const propsExp = compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_RENDER_ATTRS), [mergedProps]);
if (node.tag === 'textarea') {
const existingText = node.children[0];
// If interpolation, this is dynamic <textarea> content, potentially
// injected by v-model and takes higher priority than v-bind value
if (!existingText || existingText.type !== 5 /* NodeTypes.INTERPOLATION */) {
// <textarea> with dynamic v-bind. We don't know if the final props
// will contain .value, so we will have to do something special:
// assign the merged props to a temp variable, and check whether
// it contains value (if yes, render is as children).
const tempId = `_temp${context.temps++}`;
propsExp.arguments = [
compilerDom.createAssignmentExpression(compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(tempId, false), mergedProps)
rawChildrenMap.set(node, compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_INTERPOLATE), [
compilerDom.createConditionalExpression(compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(`"value" in ${tempId}`, false), compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(`${tempId}.value`, false), compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(existingText ? existingText.content : ``, true), false)
else if (node.tag === 'input') {
// <input v-bind="obj" v-model>
// we need to determine the props to render for the dynamic v-model
// and merge it with the v-bind expression.
const vModel = findVModel(node);
if (vModel) {
// 1. save the props (san v-model) in a temp variable
const tempId = `_temp${context.temps++}`;
const tempExp = compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(tempId, false);
propsExp.arguments = [
compilerDom.createAssignmentExpression(tempExp, mergedProps),
compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(compilerDom.MERGE_PROPS), [
compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_GET_DYNAMIC_MODEL_PROPS), [
vModel.exp // model
if (needTagForRuntime) {
// book keeping static/dynamic class merging.
let dynamicClassBinding = undefined;
let staticClassBinding = undefined;
// all style bindings are converted to dynamic by transformStyle.
// but we need to make sure to merge them.
let dynamicStyleBinding = undefined;
for (let i = 0; i < node.props.length; i++) {
const prop = node.props[i];
// ignore true-value/false-value on input
if (node.tag === 'input' && isTrueFalseValue(prop)) {
// special cases with children override
if (prop.type === 7 /* NodeTypes.DIRECTIVE */) {
if (prop.name === 'html' && prop.exp) {
rawChildrenMap.set(node, prop.exp);
else if (prop.name === 'text' && prop.exp) {
node.children = [compilerDom.createInterpolation(prop.exp, prop.loc)];
else if (prop.name === 'slot') {
context.onError(compilerDom.createCompilerError(40 /* ErrorCodes.X_V_SLOT_MISPLACED */, prop.loc));
else if (isTextareaWithValue(node, prop) && prop.exp) {
if (!needMergeProps) {
node.children = [compilerDom.createInterpolation(prop.exp, prop.loc)];
else if (!needMergeProps && prop.name !== 'on') {
// Directive transforms.
const directiveTransform = context.directiveTransforms[prop.name];
if (directiveTransform) {
const { props, ssrTagParts } = directiveTransform(prop, node, context);
if (ssrTagParts) {
for (let j = 0; j < props.length; j++) {
const { key, value } = props[j];
if (compilerDom.isStaticExp(key)) {
let attrName = key.content;
// static key attr
if (attrName === 'key' || attrName === 'ref') {
if (attrName === 'class') {
openTag.push(` class="`, (dynamicClassBinding = compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_RENDER_CLASS), [value])), `"`);
else if (attrName === 'style') {
if (dynamicStyleBinding) {
// already has style binding, merge into it.
mergeCall(dynamicStyleBinding, value);
else {
openTag.push(` style="`, (dynamicStyleBinding = compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_RENDER_STYLE), [value])), `"`);
else {
attrName =
node.tag.indexOf('-') > 0
? attrName // preserve raw name on custom elements
: shared.propsToAttrMap[attrName] || attrName.toLowerCase();
if (shared.isBooleanAttr(attrName)) {
openTag.push(compilerDom.createConditionalExpression(compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_INCLUDE_BOOLEAN_ATTR), [value]), compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(' ' + attrName, true), compilerDom.createSimpleExpression('', true), false /* no newline */));
else if (shared.isSSRSafeAttrName(attrName)) {
openTag.push(compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_RENDER_ATTR), [
else {
context.onError(createSSRCompilerError(62 /* SSRErrorCodes.X_SSR_UNSAFE_ATTR_NAME */, key.loc));
else {
// dynamic key attr
// this branch is only encountered for custom directive
// transforms that returns properties with dynamic keys
const args = [key, value];
if (needTagForRuntime) {
openTag.push(compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_RENDER_DYNAMIC_ATTR), args));
else {
// special case: value on <textarea>
if (node.tag === 'textarea' && prop.name === 'value' && prop.value) {
rawChildrenMap.set(node, shared.escapeHtml(prop.value.content));
else if (!needMergeProps) {
if (prop.name === 'key' || prop.name === 'ref') {
// static prop
if (prop.name === 'class' && prop.value) {
staticClassBinding = JSON.stringify(prop.value.content);
openTag.push(` ${prop.name}` +
(prop.value ? `="${shared.escapeHtml(prop.value.content)}"` : ``));
// handle co-existence of dynamic + static class bindings
if (dynamicClassBinding && staticClassBinding) {
mergeCall(dynamicClassBinding, staticClassBinding);
removeStaticBinding(openTag, 'class');
if (context.scopeId) {
openTag.push(` ${context.scopeId}`);
node.ssrCodegenNode = compilerDom.createTemplateLiteral(openTag);
function buildSSRProps(props, directives, context) {
let mergePropsArgs = [];
if (props) {
if (props.type === 14 /* NodeTypes.JS_CALL_EXPRESSION */) {
// already a mergeProps call
mergePropsArgs = props.arguments;
else {
if (directives.length) {
for (const dir of directives) {
mergePropsArgs.push(compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_GET_DIRECTIVE_PROPS), [
...compilerDom.buildDirectiveArgs(dir, context).elements
return mergePropsArgs.length > 1
? compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(compilerDom.MERGE_PROPS), mergePropsArgs)
: mergePropsArgs[0];
function isTrueFalseValue(prop) {
if (prop.type === 7 /* NodeTypes.DIRECTIVE */) {
return (prop.name === 'bind' &&
prop.arg &&
compilerDom.isStaticExp(prop.arg) &&
(prop.arg.content === 'true-value' || prop.arg.content === 'false-value'));
else {
return prop.name === 'true-value' || prop.name === 'false-value';
function isTextareaWithValue(node, prop) {
return !!(node.tag === 'textarea' &&
prop.name === 'bind' &&
compilerDom.isStaticArgOf(prop.arg, 'value'));
function mergeCall(call, arg) {
const existing = call.arguments[0];
if (existing.type === 17 /* NodeTypes.JS_ARRAY_EXPRESSION */) {
else {
call.arguments[0] = compilerDom.createArrayExpression([existing, arg]);
function removeStaticBinding(tag, binding) {
const regExp = new RegExp(`^ ${binding}=".+"$`);
const i = tag.findIndex(e => typeof e === 'string' && regExp.test(e));
if (i > -1) {
tag.splice(i, 1);
function findVModel(node) {
return node.props.find(p => p.type === 7 /* NodeTypes.DIRECTIVE */ && p.name === 'model' && p.exp);
function ssrProcessElement(node, context) {
const isVoidTag = context.options.isVoidTag || shared.NO;
const elementsToAdd = node.ssrCodegenNode.elements;
for (let j = 0; j < elementsToAdd.length; j++) {
// Handle slot scopeId
if (context.withSlotScopeId) {
context.pushStringPart(compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(`_scopeId`, false));
// close open tag
const rawChildren = rawChildrenMap.get(node);
if (rawChildren) {
else if (node.children.length) {
processChildren(node, context);
if (!isVoidTag(node.tag)) {
// push closing tag
const wipMap$1 = new WeakMap();
// phase 1: build props
function ssrTransformTransitionGroup(node, context) {
return () => {
const tag = compilerDom.findProp(node, 'tag');
if (tag) {
const otherProps = node.props.filter(p => p !== tag);
const { props, directives } = compilerDom.buildProps(node, context, otherProps, true /* isComponent */, false /* isDynamicComponent */, true /* ssr (skip event listeners) */);
let propsExp = null;
if (props || directives.length) {
propsExp = compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_RENDER_ATTRS), [
buildSSRProps(props, directives, context)
wipMap$1.set(node, {
// phase 2: process children
function ssrProcessTransitionGroup(node, context) {
const entry = wipMap$1.get(node);
if (entry) {
const { tag, propsExp } = entry;
if (tag.type === 7 /* NodeTypes.DIRECTIVE */) {
// dynamic :tag
if (propsExp) {
processChildren(node, context, false,
* TransitionGroup has the special runtime behavior of flattening and
* concatenating all children into a single fragment (in order for them to
* be patched using the same key map) so we need to account for that here
* by disabling nested fragment wrappers from being generated.
else {
// static tag
if (propsExp) {
processChildren(node, context, false, true);
else {
// fragment
processChildren(node, context, true, true);
// We need to construct the slot functions in the 1st pass to ensure proper
// scope tracking, but the children of each slot cannot be processed until
// the 2nd pass, so we store the WIP slot functions in a weakMap during the 1st
// pass and complete them in the 2nd pass.
const wipMap$2 = new WeakMap();
const WIP_SLOT = Symbol();
const componentTypeMap = new WeakMap();
// ssr component transform is done in two phases:
// In phase 1. we use `buildSlot` to analyze the children of the component into
// WIP slot functions (it must be done in phase 1 because `buildSlot` relies on
// the core transform context).
// In phase 2. we convert the WIP slots from phase 1 into ssr-specific codegen
// nodes.
const ssrTransformComponent = (node, context) => {
if (node.type !== 1 /* NodeTypes.ELEMENT */ ||
node.tagType !== 1 /* ElementTypes.COMPONENT */) {
const component = compilerDom.resolveComponentType(node, context, true /* ssr */);
const isDynamicComponent = shared.isObject(component) && component.callee === compilerDom.RESOLVE_DYNAMIC_COMPONENT;
componentTypeMap.set(node, component);
if (shared.isSymbol(component)) {
if (component === compilerDom.SUSPENSE) {
return ssrTransformSuspense(node, context);
if (component === compilerDom.TRANSITION_GROUP) {
return ssrTransformTransitionGroup(node, context);
return; // other built-in components: fallthrough
// Build the fallback vnode-based branch for the component's slots.
// We need to clone the node into a fresh copy and use the buildSlots' logic
// to get access to the children of each slot. We then compile them with
// a child transform pipeline using vnode-based transforms (instead of ssr-
// based ones), and save the result branch (a ReturnStatement) in an array.
// The branch is retrieved when processing slots again in ssr mode.
const vnodeBranches = [];
const clonedNode = clone(node);
return function ssrPostTransformComponent() {
// Using the cloned node, build the normal VNode-based branches (for
// fallback in case the child is render-fn based). Store them in an array
// for later use.
if (clonedNode.children.length) {
compilerDom.buildSlots(clonedNode, context, (props, children) => {
vnodeBranches.push(createVNodeSlotBranch(props, children, context));
return compilerDom.createFunctionExpression(undefined);
let propsExp = `null`;
if (node.props.length) {
// note we are not passing ssr: true here because for components, v-on
// handlers should still be passed
const { props, directives } = compilerDom.buildProps(node, context, undefined, true, isDynamicComponent);
if (props || directives.length) {
propsExp = buildSSRProps(props, directives, context);
const wipEntries = [];
wipMap$2.set(node, wipEntries);
const buildSSRSlotFn = (props, children, loc) => {
const param0 = (props && compilerDom.stringifyExpression(props)) || `_`;
const fn = compilerDom.createFunctionExpression([param0, `_push`, `_parent`, `_scopeId`], undefined, // no return, assign body later
true, // newline
true, // isSlot
type: WIP_SLOT,
// also collect the corresponding vnode branch built earlier
vnodeBranch: vnodeBranches[wipEntries.length]
return fn;
const slots = node.children.length
? compilerDom.buildSlots(node, context, buildSSRSlotFn).slots
: `null`;
if (typeof component !== 'string') {
// dynamic component that resolved to a `resolveDynamicComponent` call
// expression - since the resolved result may be a plain element (string)
// or a VNode, handle it with `renderVNode`.
node.ssrCodegenNode = compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_RENDER_VNODE), [
compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(compilerDom.CREATE_VNODE), [
else {
node.ssrCodegenNode = compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_RENDER_COMPONENT), [component, propsExp, slots, `_parent`]);
function ssrProcessComponent(node, context, parent) {
const component = componentTypeMap.get(node);
if (!node.ssrCodegenNode) {
// this is a built-in component that fell-through.
if (component === compilerDom.TELEPORT) {
return ssrProcessTeleport(node, context);
else if (component === compilerDom.SUSPENSE) {
return ssrProcessSuspense(node, context);
else if (component === compilerDom.TRANSITION_GROUP) {
return ssrProcessTransitionGroup(node, context);
else {
// real fall-through: Transition / KeepAlive
// just render its children.
// #5352: if is at root level of a slot, push an empty string.
// this does not affect the final output, but avoids all-comment slot
// content of being treated as empty by ssrRenderSlot().
if (parent.type === WIP_SLOT) {
// #5351: filter out comment children inside transition
if (component === compilerDom.TRANSITION) {
node.children = node.children.filter(c => c.type !== 3 /* NodeTypes.COMMENT */);
processChildren(node, context);
else {
// finish up slot function expressions from the 1st pass.
const wipEntries = wipMap$2.get(node) || [];
for (let i = 0; i < wipEntries.length; i++) {
const { fn, vnodeBranch } = wipEntries[i];
// For each slot, we generate two branches: one SSR-optimized branch and
// one normal vnode-based branch. The branches are taken based on the
// presence of the 2nd `_push` argument (which is only present if the slot
// is called by `_ssrRenderSlot`.
fn.body = compilerDom.createIfStatement(compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(`_push`, false), processChildrenAsStatement(wipEntries[i], context, false, true /* withSlotScopeId */), vnodeBranch);
// component is inside a slot, inherit slot scope Id
if (context.withSlotScopeId) {
if (typeof component === 'string') {
// static component
context.pushStatement(compilerDom.createCallExpression(`_push`, [node.ssrCodegenNode]));
else {
// dynamic component (`resolveDynamicComponent` call)
// the codegen node is a `renderVNode` call
const rawOptionsMap = new WeakMap();
const [baseNodeTransforms, baseDirectiveTransforms] = compilerDom.getBaseTransformPreset(true);
const vnodeNodeTransforms = [...baseNodeTransforms, ...compilerDom.DOMNodeTransforms];
const vnodeDirectiveTransforms = {
function createVNodeSlotBranch(props, children, parentContext) {
// apply a sub-transform using vnode-based transforms.
const rawOptions = rawOptionsMap.get(parentContext.root);
const subOptions = {
// overwrite with vnode-based transforms
nodeTransforms: [
...(rawOptions.nodeTransforms || [])
directiveTransforms: {
...(rawOptions.directiveTransforms || {})
// wrap the children with a wrapper template for proper children treatment.
const wrapperNode = {
type: 1 /* NodeTypes.ELEMENT */,
ns: 0 /* Namespaces.HTML */,
tag: 'template',
tagType: 3 /* ElementTypes.TEMPLATE */,
isSelfClosing: false,
// important: provide v-slot="props" on the wrapper for proper
// scope analysis
props: [
type: 7 /* NodeTypes.DIRECTIVE */,
name: 'slot',
exp: props,
arg: undefined,
modifiers: [],
loc: compilerDom.locStub
loc: compilerDom.locStub,
codegenNode: undefined
subTransform(wrapperNode, subOptions, parentContext);
return compilerDom.createReturnStatement(children);
function subTransform(node, options, parentContext) {
const childRoot = compilerDom.createRoot([node]);
const childContext = compilerDom.createTransformContext(childRoot, options);
// this sub transform is for vnode fallback branch so it should be handled
// like normal render functions
childContext.ssr = false;
// inherit parent scope analysis state
childContext.scopes = { ...parentContext.scopes };
childContext.identifiers = { ...parentContext.identifiers };
childContext.imports = parentContext.imports;
// traverse
compilerDom.traverseNode(childRoot, childContext);
['helpers', 'components', 'directives'].forEach(key => {
childContext[key].forEach((value, helperKey) => {
if (key === 'helpers') {
const parentCount = parentContext.helpers.get(helperKey);
if (parentCount === undefined) {
parentContext.helpers.set(helperKey, value);
else {
parentContext.helpers.set(helperKey, value + parentCount);
else {
// imports/hoists are not merged because:
// - imports are only used for asset urls and should be consistent between
// node/client branches
// - hoists are not enabled for the client branch here
function clone(v) {
if (shared.isArray(v)) {
return v.map(clone);
else if (shared.isObject(v)) {
const res = {};
for (const key in v) {
res[key] = clone(v[key]);
return res;
else {
return v;
// Because SSR codegen output is completely different from client-side output
// (e.g. multiple elements can be concatenated into a single template literal
// instead of each getting a corresponding call), we need to apply an extra
// transform pass to convert the template AST into a fresh JS AST before
// passing it to codegen.
function ssrCodegenTransform(ast, options) {
const context = createSSRTransformContext(ast, options);
// inject SFC <style> CSS variables
// we do this instead of inlining the expression to ensure the vars are
// only resolved once per render
if (options.ssrCssVars) {
const cssContext = compilerDom.createTransformContext(compilerDom.createRoot([]), options);
const varsExp = compilerDom.processExpression(compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(options.ssrCssVars, false), cssContext);
context.body.push(compilerDom.createCompoundExpression([`const _cssVars = { style: `, varsExp, `}`]));
Array.from(cssContext.helpers.keys()).forEach(helper => {
if (!ast.helpers.includes(helper))
const isFragment = ast.children.length > 1 && ast.children.some(c => !compilerDom.isText(c));
processChildren(ast, context, isFragment);
ast.codegenNode = compilerDom.createBlockStatement(context.body);
// Finalize helpers.
// We need to separate helpers imported from 'vue' vs. '@vue/server-renderer'
ast.ssrHelpers = Array.from(new Set([...ast.helpers.filter(h => h in ssrHelpers), ...context.helpers]));
ast.helpers = ast.helpers.filter(h => !(h in ssrHelpers));
function createSSRTransformContext(root, options, helpers = new Set(), withSlotScopeId = false) {
const body = [];
let currentString = null;
return {
onError: options.onError ||
(e => {
throw e;
helper(name) {
return name;
pushStringPart(part) {
if (!currentString) {
const currentCall = compilerDom.createCallExpression(`_push`);
currentString = compilerDom.createTemplateLiteral([]);
const bufferedElements = currentString.elements;
const lastItem = bufferedElements[bufferedElements.length - 1];
if (shared.isString(part) && shared.isString(lastItem)) {
bufferedElements[bufferedElements.length - 1] += part;
else {
pushStatement(statement) {
// close current string
currentString = null;
function createChildContext(parent, withSlotScopeId = parent.withSlotScopeId) {
// ensure child inherits parent helpers
return createSSRTransformContext(parent.root, parent.options, parent.helpers, withSlotScopeId);
function processChildren(parent, context, asFragment = false, disableNestedFragments = false) {
if (asFragment) {
const { children } = parent;
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
const child = children[i];
switch (child.type) {
case 1 /* NodeTypes.ELEMENT */:
switch (child.tagType) {
case 0 /* ElementTypes.ELEMENT */:
ssrProcessElement(child, context);
case 1 /* ElementTypes.COMPONENT */:
ssrProcessComponent(child, context, parent);
case 2 /* ElementTypes.SLOT */:
ssrProcessSlotOutlet(child, context);
case 3 /* ElementTypes.TEMPLATE */:
context.onError(createSSRCompilerError(64 /* SSRErrorCodes.X_SSR_INVALID_AST_NODE */, child.loc));
// make sure we exhaust all possible types
const exhaustiveCheck = child;
return exhaustiveCheck;
case 2 /* NodeTypes.TEXT */:
case 3 /* NodeTypes.COMMENT */:
// no need to escape comment here because the AST can only
// contain valid comments.
case 5 /* NodeTypes.INTERPOLATION */:
context.pushStringPart(compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_INTERPOLATE), [child.content]));
case 9 /* NodeTypes.IF */:
ssrProcessIf(child, context, disableNestedFragments);
case 11 /* NodeTypes.FOR */:
ssrProcessFor(child, context, disableNestedFragments);
case 10 /* NodeTypes.IF_BRANCH */:
// no-op - handled by ssrProcessIf
case 12 /* NodeTypes.TEXT_CALL */:
case 8 /* NodeTypes.COMPOUND_EXPRESSION */:
// no-op - these two types can never appear as template child node since
// `transformText` is not used during SSR compile.
context.onError(createSSRCompilerError(64 /* SSRErrorCodes.X_SSR_INVALID_AST_NODE */, child.loc));
// make sure we exhaust all possible types
const exhaustiveCheck = child;
return exhaustiveCheck;
if (asFragment) {
function processChildrenAsStatement(parent, parentContext, asFragment = false, withSlotScopeId = parentContext.withSlotScopeId) {
const childContext = createChildContext(parentContext, withSlotScopeId);
processChildren(parent, childContext, asFragment);
return compilerDom.createBlockStatement(childContext.body);
const ssrTransformModel = (dir, node, context) => {
const model = dir.exp;
function checkDuplicatedValue() {
const value = compilerDom.findProp(node, 'value');
if (value) {
context.onError(compilerDom.createDOMCompilerError(58 /* DOMErrorCodes.X_V_MODEL_UNNECESSARY_VALUE */, value.loc));
if (node.tagType === 0 /* ElementTypes.ELEMENT */) {
const res = { props: [] };
const defaultProps = [
// default value binding for text type inputs
compilerDom.createObjectProperty(`value`, model)
if (node.tag === 'input') {
const type = compilerDom.findProp(node, 'type');
if (type) {
const value = findValueBinding(node);
if (type.type === 7 /* NodeTypes.DIRECTIVE */) {
// dynamic type
res.ssrTagParts = [
compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_RENDER_DYNAMIC_MODEL), [
else if (type.value) {
// static type
switch (type.value.content) {
case 'radio':
res.props = [
compilerDom.createObjectProperty(`checked`, compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_LOOSE_EQUAL), [
case 'checkbox':
const trueValueBinding = compilerDom.findProp(node, 'true-value');
if (trueValueBinding) {
const trueValue = trueValueBinding.type === 6 /* NodeTypes.ATTRIBUTE */
? JSON.stringify(trueValueBinding.value.content)
: trueValueBinding.exp;
res.props = [
compilerDom.createObjectProperty(`checked`, compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_LOOSE_EQUAL), [
else {
res.props = [
compilerDom.createObjectProperty(`checked`, compilerDom.createConditionalExpression(compilerDom.createCallExpression(`Array.isArray`, [model]), compilerDom.createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_LOOSE_CONTAIN), [
]), model))
case 'file':
context.onError(compilerDom.createDOMCompilerError(57 /* DOMErrorCodes.X_V_MODEL_ON_FILE_INPUT_ELEMENT */, dir.loc));
res.props = defaultProps;
else if (compilerDom.hasDynamicKeyVBind(node)) ;
else {
// text type
res.props = defaultProps;
else if (node.tag === 'textarea') {
node.children = [compilerDom.createInterpolation(model, model.loc)];
else if (node.tag === 'select') ;
else {
context.onError(compilerDom.createDOMCompilerError(55 /* DOMErrorCodes.X_V_MODEL_ON_INVALID_ELEMENT */, dir.loc));
return res;
else {
// component v-model
return compilerDom.transformModel(dir, node, context);
function findValueBinding(node) {
const valueBinding = compilerDom.findProp(node, 'value');
return valueBinding
? valueBinding.type === 7 /* NodeTypes.DIRECTIVE */
? valueBinding.exp
: compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(valueBinding.value.content, true)
: compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(`null`, false);
const ssrTransformShow = (dir, node, context) => {
if (!dir.exp) {
context.onError(compilerDom.createDOMCompilerError(59 /* DOMErrorCodes.X_V_SHOW_NO_EXPRESSION */));
return {
props: [
compilerDom.createObjectProperty(`style`, compilerDom.createConditionalExpression(dir.exp, compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(`null`, false), compilerDom.createObjectExpression([
compilerDom.createObjectProperty(`display`, compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(`none`, true))
]), false /* no newline */))
const filterChild = (node) => node.children.filter(n => n.type !== 3 /* NodeTypes.COMMENT */);
const hasSingleChild = (node) => filterChild(node).length === 1;
const ssrInjectFallthroughAttrs = (node, context) => {
// _attrs is provided as a function argument.
// mark it as a known identifier so that it doesn't get prefixed by
// transformExpression.
if (node.type === 0 /* NodeTypes.ROOT */) {
context.identifiers._attrs = 1;
if (node.type === 1 /* NodeTypes.ELEMENT */ &&
node.tagType === 1 /* ElementTypes.COMPONENT */ &&
(compilerDom.isBuiltInType(node.tag, 'Transition') ||
compilerDom.isBuiltInType(node.tag, 'KeepAlive'))) {
const rootChildren = filterChild(context.root);
if (rootChildren.length === 1 && rootChildren[0] === node) {
if (hasSingleChild(node)) {
const parent = context.parent;
if (!parent || parent.type !== 0 /* NodeTypes.ROOT */) {
if (node.type === 10 /* NodeTypes.IF_BRANCH */ && hasSingleChild(node)) {
// detect cases where the parent v-if is not the only root level node
let hasEncounteredIf = false;
for (const c of filterChild(parent)) {
if (c.type === 9 /* NodeTypes.IF */ ||
(c.type === 1 /* NodeTypes.ELEMENT */ && compilerDom.findDir(c, 'if'))) {
// multiple root v-if
if (hasEncounteredIf)
hasEncounteredIf = true;
else if (
// node before v-if
!hasEncounteredIf ||
// non else nodes
!(c.type === 1 /* NodeTypes.ELEMENT */ && compilerDom.findDir(c, /else/, true))) {
else if (hasSingleChild(parent)) {
function injectFallthroughAttrs(node) {
if (node.type === 1 /* NodeTypes.ELEMENT */ &&
(node.tagType === 0 /* ElementTypes.ELEMENT */ ||
node.tagType === 1 /* ElementTypes.COMPONENT */) &&
!compilerDom.findDir(node, 'for')) {
type: 7 /* NodeTypes.DIRECTIVE */,
name: 'bind',
arg: undefined,
exp: compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(`_attrs`, false),
modifiers: [],
loc: compilerDom.locStub
const ssrInjectCssVars = (node, context) => {
if (!context.ssrCssVars) {
// _cssVars is initialized once per render function
// the code is injected in ssrCodegenTransform when creating the
// ssr transform context
if (node.type === 0 /* NodeTypes.ROOT */) {
context.identifiers._cssVars = 1;
const parent = context.parent;
if (!parent || parent.type !== 0 /* NodeTypes.ROOT */) {
if (node.type === 10 /* NodeTypes.IF_BRANCH */) {
for (const child of node.children) {
else {
function injectCssVars(node) {
if (node.type === 1 /* NodeTypes.ELEMENT */ &&
(node.tagType === 0 /* ElementTypes.ELEMENT */ ||
node.tagType === 1 /* ElementTypes.COMPONENT */) &&
!compilerDom.findDir(node, 'for')) {
if (compilerDom.isBuiltInType(node.tag, 'Suspense')) {
for (const child of node.children) {
if (child.type === 1 /* NodeTypes.ELEMENT */ &&
child.tagType === 3 /* ElementTypes.TEMPLATE */) {
// suspense slot
else {
else {
type: 7 /* NodeTypes.DIRECTIVE */,
name: 'bind',
arg: undefined,
exp: compilerDom.createSimpleExpression(`_cssVars`, false),
modifiers: [],
loc: compilerDom.locStub
function compile(template, options = {}) {
options = {
// apply DOM-specific parsing options
ssr: true,
inSSR: true,
scopeId: options.mode === 'function' ? null : options.scopeId,
// always prefix since compiler-ssr doesn't have size concern
prefixIdentifiers: true,
// disable optimizations that are unnecessary for ssr
cacheHandlers: false,
hoistStatic: false
const ast = compilerDom.baseParse(template, options);
// Save raw options for AST. This is needed when performing sub-transforms
// on slot vnode branches.
rawOptionsMap.set(ast, options);
compilerDom.transform(ast, {
hoistStatic: false,
nodeTransforms: [
...(options.nodeTransforms || []) // user transforms
directiveTransforms: {
// reusing core v-bind
bind: compilerDom.transformBind,
on: compilerDom.transformOn,
// model and show has dedicated SSR handling
model: ssrTransformModel,
show: ssrTransformShow,
// the following are ignored during SSR
// on: noopDirectiveTransform,
cloak: compilerDom.noopDirectiveTransform,
once: compilerDom.noopDirectiveTransform,
memo: compilerDom.noopDirectiveTransform,
...(options.directiveTransforms || {}) // user transforms
// traverse the template AST and convert into SSR codegen AST
// by replacing ast.codegenNode.
ssrCodegenTransform(ast, options);
return compilerDom.generate(ast, options);
exports.compile = compile;