2023-07-20 19:00:23 +08:00
#target photoshop
* 增加 批量替换名称如:
* 头,身体,大手臂,小手臂,手掌,大腿,小腿
* head,body,bigarm,forearm,palm,thigh,calf
var cacheValue = new Map ();
var win;
var res ="dialog { \
text:'图层批量重命名 ',\
group: Group{orientation: 'column',alignChildren:'left',\
mode:Panel{orientation: 'row', text:'作用范围:',\
selected:RadioButton {text:'选中图层' },\
all:RadioButton {text:'所有图层' },\
whichType:Panel{orientation: 'row', text:'类型:',\
whole:RadioButton {text:'整体' },\
rep:RadioButton {text:'替换' },\
add_del:RadioButton {text:'添加/删除' },\
allGroup:Panel {orientation:'stack', alignChildren:'top',text: '整体', \
renameall: Group { orientation: 'column',alignChildren:'left',text: '命名规则',\
name: Group { orientation: 'row', \
txt: StaticText { text:'命名规则:' }, \
edit: EditText { preferredSize: [240, 20] } ,\
}, \
helpTip: Group{orientation: 'column',alignChildren:'left',\
txt1: StaticText{ text:'在此处输入“A_#” 则图层名为“A_<数字编号>'},\
txt2: StaticText{ text:'使用 * 插入原始图层名称'},\
txt3: StaticText{ text:'使用 # 以数字插入指定位置'},\
paramGroup: Group{orientation: 'column',alignChildren:'left',\
beginId: Group { orientation: 'row', \
txt: StaticText { text:'开始于:' }, \
edit: EditText { text:'0',preferredSize: [50, 20]} ,\
}, \
incremental: Group { orientation: 'row', \
txt: StaticText { text:'增量: ' }, \
edit: EditText { text:'1', preferredSize: [50, 20]} ,\
}, \
bits: Group { orientation: 'row', \
txt: StaticText { text:'位数: ' }, \
dropdownlist:DropDownList { alignment:'left', itemSize: [34,16] },\
}, \
2023-07-25 14:08:59 +08:00
prefabGroup: Panel{orientation: 'column',alignChildren:'top',text: '属性预设',\
prefab1: Group { orientation: 'row', alignment:'left', \
btnButton: Button { text:'btn',size:{width:72,height:22}}, \
btnToggle: Button { text:'toggle'} \
btnCheck: Button { text:'toggle@check'} \
}, \
prefab2: Group { orientation: 'row',alignment:'left', \
btnPng9: Button { text:'.9',size:{width:60,height:22}} \
btnProgressBar: Button { text:'progressBar'} \
btnBar: Button { text:'progressBar@bar'} \
}, \
prefab3: Group { orientation: 'row',alignment:'left', \
btnSize: Button { text:'size'} \
btnScale: Button { text:'scale'} \
btnFull: Button { text:'full'} \
}, \
prefab4: Group { orientation: 'row', alignment:'left',\
btnFlip: Button { text:'flip'} \
btnFlipX: Button { text:'flipX'} \
btnFlipY: Button { text:'flipY'} \
}, \
prefab5: Group { orientation: 'row',alignment:'left', \
btnIgnore: Button { text:'ignore'} \
btnIgnoreImg: Button { text:'ignoreimg'} \
btnIgnoreNode: Button { text:'ignorenode'} \
}, \
prefab6: Group { orientation: 'row', alignment:'left',\
btnImg: Button { text:'img'} \
btnAR: Button { text:'ar'} \
}, \
2023-07-20 19:00:23 +08:00
}, \
repGroup: Group { orientation: 'column',alignChildren:'left',text: '命名规则',\
helpTip: Group{orientation: 'column',alignChildren:'left',\
txt1: StaticText{ text:'替换文件名中的字符 '},\
oldStr: Group { orientation: 'row', \
txt: StaticText { text:'把: ' }, \
edit: EditText { preferredSize: [160, 20] } ,\
}, \
newStr: Group { orientation: 'row', \
txt: StaticText { text:'替换成:' }, \
edit: EditText { preferredSize: [160, 20] } ,\
}, \
}, \
add_del: Group { orientation: 'column',alignChildren:'left',text: '添加/删除',\
frontadd: Group { orientation: 'row', \
txt: StaticText { text:'文件名前添加: ' }, \
edit: EditText { preferredSize: [200, 20] } ,\
}, \
backtoadd: Group{ orientation: 'row', \
txt: StaticText { text:'文件名后添加: ' }, \
edit: EditText { preferredSize: [200, 20] } ,\
}, \
del: Group{ orientation: 'row', \
txt: StaticText { text:'删除文件名中的:' }, \
edit: EditText { preferredSize: [200, 20] } ,\
}, \
extensionadd: Checkbox{text:'扩展添加'},\
addGroup: Group{orientation: 'column',alignChildren:'left',\
beginId: Group { orientation: 'row', \
txt: StaticText { text:'从文件名第:' }, \
edit: EditText { text:'0',preferredSize: [50, 20]} ,\
txt: StaticText { text:'个字符开始' }, \
}, \
extensionaddStr: Group { orientation: 'row', \
txt: StaticText { text:'添加字符串:' }, \
edit: EditText { text:'', preferredSize: [80, 20]} ,\
}, \
extensiondel: Checkbox{text:'扩展删除'},\
delGroup: Group{orientation: 'column',alignChildren:'left',\
beginId: Group { orientation: 'row', \
txt: StaticText { text:'从文件名第:' }, \
edit: EditText { text:'0',preferredSize: [50, 20]} ,\
txt: StaticText { text:'个字符开始' }, \
}, \
totalNum: Group { orientation: 'row', \
txt: StaticText { text:'共删除:' }, \
edit: EditText { text:'1', preferredSize: [50, 20]} ,\
txt: StaticText { text:'字符' }, \
}, \
}, \
buttons: Group { orientation: 'row', alignment: 'right',\
btnOK: Button { text:'确定', properties:{name:'ok'} }, \
btnCancel: Button { text:'取消', properties:{name:'cancel'} } \
}, \
2023-07-25 14:08:59 +08:00
var prefabBtns = [['btnButton','@btn'],['btnToggle','@toggle'],['btnCheck','@check'],['btnPng9','@.9{l:0,r:0,b:0,t:0}'],['btnProgressBar','@progressBar'],['btnBar','@bar'],['btnSize','@size{w:100,h:100}'],['btnScale','@scale{x:1,y:1}'],['btnFull','@full'],['btnFlip','@flip{bind: 0, x: 0, y: 0}'],['btnFlipX','@flipX{bind: 0}'],['btnFlipY','@flipY{bind: 0}'],['btnIgnore','@ignore'],['btnIgnoreImg','@ignoreimg'],['btnIgnoreNode','@ignorenode'],['btnImg','@img{name: *,id: 0,bind: 0}'],['btnAR','@ar{x:0.5,y:0.5}']];
2023-07-20 19:00:23 +08:00
if (documents.length == 0) {
}else {
function main(){
function initWin(){
win = new Window (res);
var whichType = win.group.whichType;
var repGroup = win.group.allGroup.repGroup;
var add_del = win.group.allGroup.add_del;
var renameall = win.group.allGroup.renameall;
whichType.whole.value = true;
add_del.visible = false;
repGroup.visible = false;
whichType.whole.onClick = function(){
renameall.visible = true;
add_del.visible = false;
repGroup.visible = false;
win.group.allGroup.text = "整体";
whichType.rep.onClick = function(){
renameall.visible = false;
add_del.visible = false;
repGroup.visible = true;
win.group.allGroup.text = "替换";
whichType.add_del.onClick = function(){
renameall.visible = false;
add_del.visible = true;
repGroup.visible = false;
win.group.allGroup.text = "添加/删除";
renameall.paramGroup.bits.enabled = false; // ====================================================暂时不能选择位数 等待补全====================================================
win.group.mode.selected.value = true;
var dropDownList = renameall.paramGroup.bits.dropdownlist;
for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){//给下拉列表添加元素
add_del.addGroup.enabled = false;
add_del.delGroup.enabled = false;
add_del.extensiondel.onClick = function(){
add_del.delGroup.enabled = !add_del.delGroup.enabled;
add_del.extensionadd.onClick = function(){
add_del.addGroup.enabled = !add_del.addGroup.enabled;
win.buttons.btnCancel.onClick = function () {
win.buttons.btnOK.onClick = function () {
2023-07-25 14:08:59 +08:00
var isSucc = false;
2023-07-20 19:00:23 +08:00
2023-07-25 14:08:59 +08:00
isSucc = exeRename();
2023-07-20 19:00:23 +08:00
}else if(add_del.visible){
2023-07-25 14:08:59 +08:00
isSucc = exeAdd_Del();
2023-07-20 19:00:23 +08:00
}else if(repGroup.visible){
2023-07-25 14:08:59 +08:00
isSucc = exeReplace();
2023-07-20 19:00:23 +08:00
2023-07-25 14:08:59 +08:00
isSucc && win.close();
for(var i=0;i<prefabBtns.length;i++){
var prefab = prefabBtns[i];
var btn = prefab[0];
var property = prefab[1];
var fun = function(property){
return function(){
if(renameall.name.edit.text.indexOf(property) != -1){
alert ("请勿输入相同声明");
renameall.name.edit.text += property;
renameall.prefabGroup["prefab"+(Math.floor(i/3)+1)][btn].onClick =fun(property);
2023-07-20 19:00:23 +08:00
2023-07-25 14:08:59 +08:00
2023-07-20 19:00:23 +08:00
function exeRename(){
var layers = [];
var renameall = win.group.allGroup.renameall;
var name = renameall.name.edit.text;
var beginIds = Number(renameall.paramGroup.beginId.edit.text);
var incremental =Number(renameall.paramGroup.incremental.edit.text);
var bits = Number(renameall.paramGroup.bits.dropdownlist.selection) + 1;
2023-07-25 14:08:59 +08:00
if(name == ""){
return false;
2023-07-20 19:00:23 +08:00
layers = getSelectedLayers();
getLayers(app.activeDocument, layers);
for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) {
//var reg1 = new RegExp("*","g");
var reg2 = new RegExp("#","g");
var reg3 = new RegExp(" ","g");
var newname = name.replace ("*", layers[i].name);//替换 * 为原文件名
newname = newname.replace ("*", layers[i].name);//替换 * 为原文件名
newname = newname.replace ("*", layers[i].name);//替换 * 为原文件名
newname = newname.replace ("*", layers[i].name);//替换 * 为原文件名
newname = newname.replace (reg2,formatNum( beginIds+i*incremental,bits));//替换 # 为数字
newname = newname.replace (reg3, "");//删除空格
layers[i].name = newname ;
2023-07-25 14:08:59 +08:00
return true;
2023-07-20 19:00:23 +08:00
function exeReplace(){
var layers = [];
var repGroup = win.group.allGroup.repGroup;
var oldstr = repGroup.oldStr.edit.text;
var newstr = repGroup.newStr.edit.text;
2023-07-25 14:08:59 +08:00
2023-07-20 19:00:23 +08:00
var oldstrs= new Array(); //定义一数组
oldstrs = oldstr.split (",");
var newstrs= new Array(); //定义一数组
newstrs = newstr.split (",");
if(oldstrs.length != newstrs.length){
alert ("新字符的数量必须和旧字符串的数量一致");
2023-07-25 14:08:59 +08:00
return false;
2023-07-20 19:00:23 +08:00
2023-07-25 14:08:59 +08:00
layers = getSelectedLayers();
getLayers(app.activeDocument, layers);
2023-07-20 19:00:23 +08:00
for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) {
var newname = layers[i].name;
for(var j = 0;j <oldstrs.length;j++){
var reg = new RegExp(oldstrs[j],"g");
newname = newname.replace (reg, newstrs[j]);//替换 * 为原文件名
//var reg = new RegExp(oldstr,"g");
//newname = newname.replace (reg, newstr);//替换字符
layers[i].name = newname ;
2023-07-25 14:08:59 +08:00
return true;
2023-07-20 19:00:23 +08:00
function exeAdd_Del(){
var layers = [];
var add_del = win.group.allGroup.add_del;
var frontaddstr = add_del.frontadd.edit.text;//文件名前添加的字符
var backtoaddstr = add_del.backtoadd.edit.text;//文件名后添加的字符
var delstr = add_del.del.edit.text;//删除的字符
var addbeginID = Number(add_del.addGroup.beginId.edit.text);
var addStr = add_del.addGroup.extensionaddStr.edit.text;
var delbeginID = Number(add_del.delGroup.beginId.edit.text);
var deltotalNum = Number(add_del.delGroup.totalNum.edit.text);
layers = getSelectedLayers();
getLayers(app.activeDocument, layers);
for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) {
var newname = frontaddstr+layers[i].name;
newname = newname+backtoaddstr;
newname = insert_flg(newname,addStr,addbeginID);
var reg = new RegExp(delstr,"g");
newname = newname.replace (reg, "");//删除字符
newname = del_flg(newname,delbeginID,deltotalNum);
reg = new RegExp(" ","g");
newname = newname.replace (reg, "");//删除空格
layers[i].name = newname ;
2023-07-25 14:08:59 +08:00
return true;
2023-07-20 19:00:23 +08:00
function insert_flg(str,flg,sn){
newstr = str.substring(0,sn) +flg+ str.substring(sn,str.length);
return newstr;
//删除指定位置的字符 x代表要删除的位置 代表删除字符的个数
function del_flg(str,x,num){
var newstr = str.substring(0,x) + str.substring(x+num,str.length);
return newstr;
function formatNum(num,bits){
if(bits > 1){
var str = Number.toString (num);
var form='';
for(var i = 0;i < bits-1;i++){
return form+num;
return num;
function checkNum(editText,defaultNum){
editText.onChanging = function(){
editText.text = cacheValue.get(editText);
function getSelectedLayers(){
var idGrp = stringIDToTypeID( "groupLayersEvent" );
var descGrp = new ActionDescriptor();
var refGrp = new ActionReference();
refGrp.putEnumerated(charIDToTypeID( "Lyr " ),charIDToTypeID( "Ordn" ),charIDToTypeID( "Trgt" ));
descGrp.putReference(charIDToTypeID( "null" ), refGrp );
executeAction( idGrp, descGrp, DialogModes.ALL );
var resultLayers=new Array();
for (var ix=0;ix<app.activeDocument.activeLayer.layers.length;ix++){resultLayers.push(app.activeDocument.activeLayer.layers[ix])}
var id8 = charIDToTypeID( "slct" );
var desc5 = new ActionDescriptor();
var id9 = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
var ref2 = new ActionReference();
var id10 = charIDToTypeID( "HstS" );
var id11 = charIDToTypeID( "Ordn" );
var id12 = charIDToTypeID( "Prvs" );
ref2.putEnumerated( id10, id11, id12 );
desc5.putReference( id9, ref2 );
executeAction( id8, desc5, DialogModes.NO );
return resultLayers;
function getLayers (layer, collect) {
if (!layer.layers || layer.layers.length == 0) return layer;
if(layer != app.activeDocument){
for (var i = 0, n = layer.layers.length; i < n; i++) {
// For checking if its an adjustment layer, but it also excludes
// LayerSets so we need to find the different types needed.
//if (layer.layers[i].kind == LayerKind.NORMAL) {
var child = getLayers(layer.layers[i], collect);
if (child) collect.push(child);
function Map() {
this.keys = new Array();
this.values= new Array();
this.set = function (key, value) {
if (this.values[key] == null) {//如键不存在则身【键】数组添加键名
this.values[key] = value;//给键赋值
this.get = function (key) {
return this.values[key];
this.remove = function (key) {
this.values[key] = null;
this.isEmpty = function () {
return this.keys.length == 0;
this.size = function () {
return this.keys.length;