let defaultPolygonPath = "assets/"; let polygonNameHeader = "polygon_"; let polygonName = ""; Editor.Panel.extend({ style: ` :host { margin: 5px; } h2 { color: #f90; } .bottom { height: 30px; } `, template: `





生成表 刪除表 刷新資源
`, $: { /** 保存按鈕 */ btn: "#btn", /** 固定路徑前label */ label: "#label", /** 檔案名稱前label */ polygonLabel:"#polygonLabel", /** 固定路徑 */ inputPath:"#inputPath", /** 更改檔案名稱 */ changePolygon:"#changePolygon", /** 刪除按鈕 */ deleteBtn:"#deleteBtn", /** 刷新按鈕 */ updateBtn:"#updateBtn", /** Node */ node:"#node" }, ready () { Editor.Ipc.sendToMain("output-component:panel-load-finish"); this.init(); this.saveBtnClick(); this.setPolygonConfigurationDefaultPath(); this.changePolygonEvent(); this.deleteBtnClick(); this.updateBtnClick(); this.resetBtnClick(); }, init() { this.$label.innerText = "(默認文件路徑)"; this.$polygonLabel.innerText = "(檔案名稱): " + polygonNameHeader; this.$changePolygon.value = 1; polygonName = polygonNameHeader + this.$changePolygon.value; }, /** 更改名稱事件 */ changePolygonEvent() { this.$changePolygon.addEventListener("change",() => { polygonName = polygonNameHeader + this.$changePolygon.value; }) }, /** 重置場景按鈕點擊 */ resetBtnClick() { this.$resetBtn.addEventListener("confirm",() => { Editor.Scene.callSceneScript("output-component", "reset-scene", function (err, res) { }); }) }, /** 刷新按鈕點擊事件 */ updateBtnClick() { this.$updateBtn.addEventListener("confirm",() => { Editor.assetdb.refresh("db://" + defaultPolygonPath, function (err, results) { if(err) { Editor.log("刷新文件目錄失敗!!!") return; } Editor.log("刷新文件目錄成功!!!") }); }) }, /** 刪除按鈕點擊事件 */ deleteBtnClick() { this.$deleteBtn.addEventListener("confirm",() => { Editor.Ipc.sendToMain("output-component:delete-click", defaultPolygonPath + polygonName); }) }, /** 保存按鈕點擊事件 */ saveBtnClick() { this.$btn.addEventListener("confirm", () => { Editor.Ipc.sendToMain("output-component:save-click", defaultPolygonPath + polygonName, this.$node); }); }, /** 設置默認的配置路徑 */ setPolygonConfigurationDefaultPath() { this.$inputPath.addEventListener("confirm",() => { defaultPolygonPath = this.$inputPath.value; if(defaultPolygonPath === "") { defaultPolygonPath = "assets/"; } Editor.Ipc.sendToMain("output-component:set-path", defaultPolygonPath); }) }, messages : { "setDefaultPath":function (event,...agrs) { if(agrs[0] && agrs[0] != "") { defaultPolygonPath = agrs[0]; this.$inputPath.value = agrs[0]; } if (event.reply) { //if no error, the first argument should be null event.reply(null, "Fine, thank you!"); } } } });